I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Wiki
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Sym, also known as Symbiosis, is a Gardener and inhabitant of Vertumna IV.


The player can encounter Sym after interacting with him three times while exploring outside the colony. Each time they will get a "Mysterious Stranger" card, and after the third card the event to meet him will unlock.

Upon unlocking him for interactions, he will appear outside the colony no matter what area you explore. In the Outskirts he will be to the east of the start, in the Ridge he will be to the north west of the start, in the Plains he will be to the north, and in the Valley he will be to the north.

Attempting to give Sym a gift will not affect friendship points. No matter what he will comment on how good of a gift it is, hence the "Likes: Everything."

Friendship with Sym is based solely on conversations had with him, some events will give you 20 additional points. There is no other way to increase friendship points with him.


  • Initially meeting Sym either requires a perception check or a rerun of the game. The perception challenge can be skipped only in reruns of the game, in which an option will appear to call Sym's name instead of chasing him. However, this option will not show "Sym Pounced Upon" as Sym will come out of hiding on his own.
  • At 60 friendship points: Sym gets injured in an interaction with some xenofauna. He explains that he has some sort of foresight, this being how he's usually able to help Sol out of trouble.
  • At 80 friendship points: Sol comes upon Sym fighting multiple manticores. Sol has the choice to fight the manticores and save him or watch him "die." If Sol succeeds in the combat challenge there is a moment for some romantic interaction however shortly after, Sym is killed when one of the manticores comes back for revenge. Either way, he will appear to die in the interaction, Sol cannot save him. Sol mourns for the next two months following.


  • In Sym's 60 friendship point event, it is revealed that he has watched Monty Python And The Holy Grail and liked it, quoting "tis but a flesh wound".

