I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Wiki
Acquired from story events, the player can be affected by temporary statuses that can have a big effect on skill changes. These appear in bubbles next to the character portrait at the top-left.
Name Description Effect Skills Duration
In Mourning You're mourning the loss of a loved one. All skill increases down 10% for 3 months. social-10, mental-10, physical-10 3
Injured You're injured and should rest. Physical skill increases halved, heal by relaxing. physical-50 6
In Love You're in love and you want to share it with everybody! Social skill increases doubled for 6 months. social+100 6
Enlightened You've been enlightened by mastering a skill. Mental skill increases doubled for 3 months. mental+100 3
Starving Hunger makes it difficult to do physical tasks. Physical skill increases halved. physical-50 N/A
Hormones Teenage hormones are making you brave and rebellious. Rebellion increases tripled. rebellion+200 9
Insomnia Insomnia is making it hard to think. Mental skill increases halved. mental-50 9
Grounded You're grounded! They'll be keeping a close eye on you. Can't explore. Loyalty increases doubled. rebellion-100 3
Popular You're a winner and everyone wants to be your friend. Social skill increases and kudos doubled for 1 month. social+100, kudos+100 1
Heroic You're still pumped from the last attack. Physical skill increases doubled for 3 months. physical+100 3
Feud You're so mad at someone that it's all you can talk about. Social skill increases halved for 3 months. social-50 3