I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Wiki
Skills start at 0 and go to 100. They can be increased by various jobs or during events, or temporarily by equipping certain gear. Certain statuses may double or halve how quickly skills increase. Perks are granted when a skill reaches a certain threshold. Kudos is the game's currency and may be used to buy gear or forget cards once unlocked via perks. Stress is increased by exploring or doing jobs. High stress will prevent you from doing any job except relaxing, which reduces stress. Rebellion starts at 50 and may move to 0 (fully loyal) or 100 (fully rebellious) during the game. It affects many event choices and endings.
Name Perk at 33 Perk at 66 Perk at 100 Description
Empathy Spa:

Pay to remove cards in the quarters spa

Improved Relaxing:

Choose from 3 cards when relaxing

Friendship Decreases Stress:

- 1 Stress any time you gain Friendship

Understanding other people
Persuasion +1 to Social Cards:

Yellow cards get +1 in social challenges

Extra Kudos:

+ 1 Kudos every time you receive kudos

Social Boost:

+1 to Social skill increases

Charisma to command people and speak in public
Creativity Shop Clothes:

New cards in the depot

Small Skills Boost:

5% Chance to gain 1 extra skill

Improved Gifting:

Give gifts every month instead of once a season

Artistic ability and capacity for novel ideas
Bravery Extra Card Draw:

Draw an extra card at the start of a challenge

Reduce Exploration Stress:

Every event in exploring causes +10 stress instead of +15

Extra Card Draw:

Draw an extra card at the start of challenge (effect stacks)

For both social and dangerous situations
Reasoning +1 to Mental Cards:

Blue Cards get +1 in mental challanges

Autoplay Fairy:

Autoplay fairy sometimes plays the best hand for you1

Mental Boost:

+1 to mental skill increases

Problem solving and general knowledge
Organization Extra Gear Slot:

Equip an additional gear

Extra Card Draw:

Draw and extra card at the start of challenge

Optional Card Skip:

Can choose not to take new cards

Dedication to neatness, management
Engineering Extra Card Draw:

Draw and extra card at the start of challenge

Shop Gadgets:

New cards in the depot

Extra Gear Slot:

Equip an additional gear

Study of machines, physics, math, and programming
Biology Native Botany:

Unlock Xenobotany Research in Geoponics

More Collectables:

Collectables respawn faster and more slots are filled

Extra Enhancement:

Enhance your DNA in engineering

Study of plants, chemistry, and the human body
Toughness +1 to Physical Cards:

Red cards get +1 in physical challenges

Card Training:

Update basic cards in the garrison gym

Immune to Injury:

Never receive the Injury status effect when hurt

Physical strength and stamina
Perception Highlight Collectibles:

All collectibles glow

More Collectibles:

Collectibles respawn faster and more slots are filled

Avoid Blocking Events:

Slip past all path-blocking explore events

Ability to find things and sneak past things
Combat Shop Weapons:

New cards in the depot

Extra Card Draw:

Draw an extra card at the start of challenge (effect stacks)

Physical Boost:

+1 to Physical skill increases

Tactics and weapons
Animals Level II Pets:

Upgrade pet cards via Relaxing in the Park

Extra Gear Slot:

Equip an additional Gear

Level III Pets:

Upgrade pet cards via Relaxing in the Park

Familiarity with xenofauna, hunting, ranching
  1. The description for the Autoplay Fairy perk is incorrect. The perk doesn't occasionally play the best hand for you. It gives you a button that can be pressed once per challenge that plays a better hand than the one you currently have played, if that is possible. It does not use items, and it still uses up the charge if it is unable to play a better hand. For example, if you play a hand with a total of 10, it will find a hand with a total of 11. If there is no hand with a total of 11, it will find one with a total of 12, etc.