I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Wiki
Enhancements are picked during the character generation event at the start of the game, and mainly affect how quickly skills increase. Also see perks for character improvements gained later in the game based on skill milestones.


ID Increases skill gain Description +10 to skill at start Snippet1 Snippet2 Snippet3
Eagle Eyes eyes Perception, Animals Increase Perception faster, events while exploring Perception your birdlike eyes miss nothing. could spot a dorbsmoth from a klick away. You could spot a dorbsmoth from a klick away.
Extra Fingers extraFingers Creativity, Organization Increase Creativity and Organization faster Creativity your extra fingers come in handy (get it? handy). are a polydactyl, like many great photophonor players. You're a polydactyl, like many great photophonor players.
Absorbent Brain spongyBrain Biology, Engineering Increase Biology and Engineering faster Reasoning a keen learner thanks to the hyperactive neurons in your brain. a fast learner. You're a keen learner thanks to the hyperactive neurons in your brain.
Super Strength muscles Toughness, Combat Increase Toughness and Combat faster Combat still the strongest kid in your class. build muscle mass like nobody's business. You build muscle mass like nobody's business.
CalmTemperament calm 2 less stress on stress gain Empathy just the chillest, most easy-going person. stay calm when others get frazzled. You stay calm when others get frazzled.
Nothing nothing 25% more Kudos because you tried your very best you norm you Kudos + 30 doing just fine with no genetic augmentation, thanks. are special in your own way.