I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Wiki

The area immediately surrounding the crash site of the Stratospheric.


During Exploration, the player must complete events to continue through the map unless they have the third Perception perk. All Exploration events give +15 Stress upon completion.

First Expedition[]

The first time the player sneaks out of the Colony, they will encounter Dys on the path leading away from the drainpipe. Dys retreats into the trees. The player is given three options: shout his name, follow him, or ignore him.

If they choose to shout his name, they will stop for fear of being heard by Uncle Tonin or Utopia.

If they choose to follow him, they will scratch themselves on the brush and gain +5 Stress. They will not be able to catch up with Dys, but will get +1 Perception for their efforts.

If they choose to ignore him, they will think Dys is solo-larping in the woods like a dweeb. They will get +1 Bravery.


The player may encounter a sawmill the colony uses to clear cut mushtrees. Three colonists will be feeding mushtree logs into a machine while the fourth directs a robotic plasma saw. The player is given the option to stay and watch, or leave in disgust.

If the player stays to watch what the other colonists are doing, they will see the other trees wincing when one is cut down, but blame it on their imagination. They will receive the Harvesting Mushwood card and +1 Perception.

If the player leaves in disgust, they will earn +5 Rebellion. They like the forest the way it is, wild and natural.

Sneaking Past Uncle Tonin[]

The player may come across Uncle Tonin on an expedition of his own. Tonin will be setting up automated survey equipment, and seems very jumpy, frequently checking his surroundings before going back to his work.

The player can sneak past him, initiating an easy Perception challenge. Successfully sneaking past will give the player +1 Perception.

The player can go back the way they came, which leaves the event. The way forward will still be blocked by Tonin.

Washed-out Path[]

The player may come across a dammed-up pond that washes out the path forward.

They may bravely jump over it, initiating a Bravery challenge, If the player succeeds, they will bravely fall into the water and get wet, earning +5 Stress and +1 Bravery. Failing will result in the player receiving +5 Stress and turning back, leaving the path forward blocked.

They may turn back, leaving the event in place. The way forward will still be blocked.

Field of Blobgrass[]

The player may stumble into a field of gelatinous blobgrass. It sticks to the player's boots and slows them down.

They may look for a path through it, initiating a Perception challenge. On success, the player will jump between rocks, fallen logs, and old equipment to make their way through, earning +5 Stress and +1 Perception. Failing will result in the player getting stuck in the grass, earning +5 Stress. The way forward will still be blocked.

They may turn back, leaving the event in place. The way forward will still be blocked.

Friendly Mushtrees[]

The player may come across a cluster of mushtrees.

If they are old enough, they can cut down the mushtrees.

They can give the trees a friendly pat. They accidentally pat a strange bit of xenofauna camouflaging itself against the tree, giving the player +1 Perception and +1 Animals.

They can come back later, leaving the way forward blocked.

Midday Suns[]

The player may find themselves under the hot midday suns with no shade in sight.

They can look for a shady route through it, initiating a Perception challenge. Success will result in the player diverging from their path to shelter under some mushtrees, earning +5 Stress and +1 Perception. Failure will result in the player giving up and running back to safety, earning +5 Stress.

They can go back, leaving the way forward blocked.

Unisaur Encounter[]

The player may stumble upon a wild Unisaur. They are inclined to stick around and watch what it does. This event is marked by a Unisaur sprite.

They can be as quiet as possible, initiating a Perception challenge. Upon success, the player will watch the unisaur go about its business from behind a strand of mushtrees. They will receive +2 Animals and -30 Stress. Failure will result in the Unisaur noticing the player and bounding away.

They can eat some snacks while they watch, earning -30 Stress while they watch the Unisaur.

They can leave.
