I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Wiki


Anemone is an enthusiastic tomboy who always seems to find herself in trouble. She taught the player how to play zero-G sportsball.

Although Anemone begins as a “happy-go-lucky” child, the death of her brother Kom hardens her resolves to become a soldier, causing strife between the Stratos kids once Helios arrives.


Young Child[]

Young Anemone is rambunctious and carefree. She runs everywhere and is always finding ways to use her environment to have fun, such as making snowpals just after landing on Verntumna. Her and Cal are close friends, both enjoying making messes and playing games together. She largely trusts the adults of the colony to keep everyone safe and rarely seriously questions authority. She has little interest in school and prefers to play sportsball.


During every playthrough, Anemone will date Vace. If you convince Anemone that their relationship is toxic with an in-game Persuasion or Empathy check, they will break up.

She and Cal are close as children, but their friendship quickly falls apart when she becomes a soldier and agrees with the Helios' violent methods for survival.

Her brother Kom was her hero growing up, and his death is what motivates her to join the guard.


This section contains SPOILERS, both for Anemone's events and for major story events. It is highly recommended that you experience Anemone's storyline in-game and complete the game at least twice before continuing.


Choosing Anemone as your friend during character creation will give you +10 Toughness and +10 Combat.

Once Anemone and Vace are dating, an interaction can be triggered to break them up. The player must have a high enough relationship with Anemone and at least 30 Persuasion or Empathy.


Scripted Events[]

This section includes any events that are scripted to occur regardless of relationship, skill, or other requirements.

Week 1
Requirements: None
Text: "Hiya, [Name]!" Anemone seems really at home here. She's rolling a sportsball around with her foot, making patterns in the weird blue snow. "This stuff is different from snow on Earth," she tells you, "'cause it isn't cold. But it's still neat, and you can make stuff out of it." Your foggy head clears a little. Anemone is simple, physical, real. You always feel grounded near her.
"What are you making?" (Allows you to choose another option)
Text: "Just snow spirals," she says, "But earlier me and Cal made a big snowpal! You missed it while you were sleeping in medbay." She smiles her broad gap-toothed smile at you. "Now that you're awake we can play!"
"Have you seen any monsters?" [Requires having seen Dys's Week 1 Event] (Allows you to choose another option)
Text: "Nope! Just some little bugs... the grownups would say if there were monsters, right?" She shrugs, then smiles reassuringly. "Even if there were monsters, Chief Rhett would beat them all up, so don't worry! My mom says we're safer here than we were in space!" You both look over at the wreckage of the Stratospheric, the spaceship where you were born. Anemone's mom, Auntie Seedent, is probably right about that. Look what the wormhole did to your ship!
"Why aren't you in school?"
Text: She smacks her forehead. "School! I wondered where everybody was. I guess I'm gonna be late for humanities class." She doesn't look very worried to you. "It's okay," she says. "Professor Hal is chill. He won't mind. But... we should probably go now." She grins, and starts running towards Engineering. "Hey... race you!" No fair! She's getting a head start! [Ends event]
"See you later!"
Text: "Not if I see you first!" Anemone says, flashing you a peace sign. "Hey! Maybe see you in class!" Oh, right! You should probably go to class! Like your mom said: you kids are expected to manage your own schedules, so you don't have to if you don't feel up to it, but it's not a bad idea. [Ends event]
Unlocking sportsball
Requirements: After Year 10 Quiet 2
Before Year 14 glow:
Text: Anemone is bumping a sportsball with her wrists, trying to keep it in the air. "Heads up!" she shouts, and bumps the ball in your direction. Think fast!
Do a trick. [Requires Toughness 10 or more] (Anemone +1, Toughness +1)
Text: You catch the ball with your wrists, bop it up, and headbutt it back to Anemone. She grins her huge gap-toothed smile. "Whoa, nice moves [Name]!" You bounce the ball back and forth with her, trying to see how many times you can rally and keep it going. Anemone tells you about the new sportsball court - a proper regulation-sized court, way bigger than the little zero-g one on the Stratospheric! Her brother Kom is coaching the junior sportsball team this year. "He's so great!" she says, "He's good at everything, 'specially spiking. He's coaching me to play awesome like him. You should come join us!" [Ends event]
Bounce it back (Toughness +1)
Text: You bounce the ball back and forth with her, trying to see how many times you can rally and keep it going. Anemone tells you about the new sportsball court - a proper regulation-sized court, way bigger than the little zero-g one on the Stratospheric! Her brother Kom is coaching the junior sportsball team this year. "He's so great! " she says, "He's good at everything, 'specially spiking. He's coaching me to play awesome like him. You should come join us!" [Ends event]
Look out! A ball is flying toward you!
Text: You flinch and jump out of the sportsball's way as it careens past your head. Whoa, that was close! Anemone doubles over laughing. "Nice save, [Name]!" she giggles, jogging over to pick up the ball. "Haha, not! Want me to show you how to do it?"
"Okay, fine." (Toughness +1)
Text: You bounce the ball back and forth with her, trying to see how many times you can rally and keep it going. Anemone tells you about the new sportsball court - a proper regulation-sized court, way bigger than the little zero-g one on the Stratospheric! Her brother Kom is coaching the junior sportsball team this year. "He's so great! " she says, "He's good at everything, 'specially spiking. He's coaching me to play awesome like him. You should come join us!" [Ends event]
"I don't like sportsball."
Text: "Whaaaaaat?" she exclaims, looking shocked. "No way, there's nothing funner. How can you not like fun?" You just shrug. Anemone sticks her tongue through the gap in her teeth. "Well, you should come play sportsball with us anyway," she says. "You could play goalie, it's easy." "But, uh, balls will fly at your head a lot." [Ends event]
After Year 14 Glow:
Text: She's standing in the middle of the sportsball pitch, alone, rolling a sportsball under her foot. Around the edge of the pitch, target dummies are lined up like silent sports fans. Anemone kicks the ball up into her hands and gives it a look like she's slightly embarrassed she doesn't know what to do with it any more. "Ugh, the sportsball teams are always leaving their junk around." she mutters. "They can kick around a ball anywhere. The defense force needs this space for drills." She drops the ball from her hands and kicks it with all her might, rocketing it over the wall. "That'll do it," she says, smug. She stretches her shoulders. "Hey, if you're here, can you help me move these dummies out onto the pitch?" You do, listening to Anemone chatter about the Garrison's plans for the old sportsball pitch. "If you wanna get in a few games," she says, "you should probably do it soon." [Ends event]
Requirements: After seeing Marz's "Valentine's Day" Event
When speaking to her for the first time after Marz's event:
Text: Anemone's kicking a sportsball from foot to foot without letting it touch the ground. She fakes like she's going to pass it to you, then kicks it sideways and runs over to catch it before you can get there. "Too slow!" she giggles. Do you really want to be BFFs with this silly girl?
"Wanna be best friends?" (Anemone +1)
Text: You offer Anemone some soysweets. She stuffs one in her cheek then bumps you with her shoulder so hard you nearly fall over. "Sounds cool!" she says, as you rub your arm. "Okay, best friend... tag, you're it!" [Ends event]
[Flirt] "We were destined to be together." [Requires having dated Anemone in a previous playthrough]
Text: You try to explain how you grew old together in a recurring dream you have. She thinks you're weird. "You cheeseball... " she mutters, blushing under all of her freckles. "What a silly thing to say."
"So... best friends?" (Anemone +1)
Text: You offer Anemone some soysweets. She stuffs one in her cheek then bumps you with her shoulder so hard you nearly fall over. "Sounds cool!" she says, as you rub your arm. "Okay, best friend... tag, you're it!" [Ends event]
On second thought...
Text: She teases you again, then goes back to balancing the sportsball on her knee. [Ends event and allows you to choose someone else]
If you've spoken to her already:
Text: Anemone grins and pops her sportsball under her arm. "Hey [Name], you're back!"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Secret Admirer
Requirements: After learning of a secret admirer
If it is Dust:
Text: You catch Anemone between drills, leaning her elbows against the garrison fence. She takes a swig of her canteen, then pours it over herself to cool down. "Hey, [Name]," she says, shaking out her hair. "What's goin' on?" Someone gave you a databand. It might have been Anemone...
"Are you my secret admirer?"
If Anemone is your secret admirer:
Text: Anemone goes as red as her hair. "I... I mean...! Would it be weird if I was?"
[Flirt] "No! I like you too!" (Anemone +1)
Text: Anemone looks surprised. "Wait, really?" she says.
Go in for a smooch!
Text: You lean in and kiss Anemone on the cheek. When you pull away, she claps her hand against her cheek and jumps away like she's been burned. "Ihavetogobacktotrainingnow!" she blurts out, and runs away. [Ends event]
Let the moment pass.
Text: You and Anemone stare at each other for a few more seconds, neither willing to make the first move. Eventually, she says she has to get back to training. [Ends event]
"Well... a little..."
Text: Anemone laughs awkwardly. "Okay, um... roger that! Sorry for, um, being weird." She jogs away, clearly embarrassed. [Ends event]
If Anemone is not your secret admirer:
Text: Anemone giggles nervously. "Uh, guh-rooooss," she says. "Not a chance, [Name]." ...brutal.
Leave her alone for now.
Text: You excuse yourself. You can always ask again later... if you have the guts.
This is pointless. I don't want to know. (This ends the secret admirer event without revealing who the admirer is)
Text: You shove the databand into your pocket and decide you have better things to do than track down who gave it to you.
If it is not Dust:
Text: You catch Anemone coming back from a run. It's really coming down out here, but nothing stops Anemone from training. She shoots you a grin as she unsticks her undershirt from her toned stomach. "Hey, [Name]," she says, shaking out her hair. "What's goin' on?" Someone gave you a databand. It might have been Anemone...
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Requirements: After Year 14 Glow
The "Rebuilding" dialogue for a character is idle dialogue as opposed to a true event. Any of the following 3 options may be displayed when interacting with Anemone:
  • Anemone barely looks at you. "He's gone," she mutters. "Nothing matters anymore..."
  • You find Anemone sobbing quietly. She doesn't even pretend to not be crying. "What are you looking at?! Go away!"
  • Anemone is kicking a sportsball around listlessly. After a while, she picks it up and just stares off into the distance at the colony walls.

Idle Dialogue[]

This section includes dialogue spoken when interacting with Anemone outside of a specific event or cutscene. Possible idle dialogue depends primarily on age, seasons, and other criteria like romance.

Any Age
If you are dating Vace:
  • Anemone shoots you a cautious smile as you approach, and looks around to make sure no one's nearby. "Hey, so, are you... okay? Because... I know Vace, and I know how he treats the people he's dating. If you ever need to talk, I'm here."
If you are dating Anemone:
  • Anemone [sic] usually-serious face brightens when she sees you. "[Name]! What a treat," she says, giving you a brief kiss. "I was just thinking about you."
  • Anemone shoots you a smile. "What's up, [Name]?"
Age 10
If it is Year 10 before Quiet 3:
  • "I don't want to go to school," Anemone pouts, "but I guess we have to..." "You know how to get there right? Through the door in the engineering wing behind me. You know, the big thing with the rockets on top," she laughs. "I was confused too, at first... I'd never seen the ship from the outside before!"
If it is Pollen:
If Tammy has died:
  • Anemone is unusually still today. She's sitting in the dugout of the sportsball pitch, fiddling with an ugly doll with red hair. "Tammy gave me this," she sighs. "I kinda told her to shove off 'cause I don't play with dolls. Why'd I hafta be so mean to her?"
If Tammy has not died:
  • "Are you practicing for Vertumnalia?" Anemone says as soon as you approach. "There's gonna be a festival in Dust season, and they're having a bot wrestling contest! I'm going to compete!"
If it is Dust:
  • Anemone is lying in the dirt, sweating and gasping for breath. "It's! So! Hot!" she complains. "How'm I suppose'ta run in these conditions!"
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone blinks at you in the dark. "It's so creeptacular..." she breathes. "It's perfect for hide-and seek!"
  • Anemone runs up to you. "Hi- [Name]-" she huffs, catching her breath. She grins. "On the ship adults are always saying 'No running, Anemone! No running!' but outside there's so much room! I can run for 5 minutes in one direction! Even more, after the roboplows clear the land for farms!"
  • Anemone is running around the sportsball court, touching her hand to the ground at each corner. "Eighteen!" she counts. "Nineteen!" When she reaches twenty, she collapses into the grass and checks her holopalm. "I'm training!" she explains. "My big bro Kom says I hafta get my legs 'climatized to the planet if I'm gonna be team captain like him!"
  • Anemone holds her stomach as you approach. "Does the air here make you feel hungry all the time, or is it just me?" she wonders. "I feel like I could eat a whole one a' them mushroom trees. Just.... aaaaomph!" She mimes shoving a whole giant mushroom in her mouth.
Age 11
If it is Quiet:
  • Anemone has her mouth wide open to the sky, catching flakes of the weird 'snow' that drifts from the sky. "Tangy!" she giggles. "Get it? Tangy? Like Tangent? That's what we used to call her, d'you remember?"
If it is Pollen:
  • Anemone huffs as she runs up to you and doubles over, bracing her hands on her knees. "I'm... huff... going for the... huff... bantam division distance record at this year's Vertumnalia."
If it is Wet:
  • Anemone looks out from under the dugout awning and scowls. "Stupid rainy season. Stupid planet," she grumbles. "I just wanna go play!"
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone flashes her headlamp at you as you approach. "D'ja ever learn Morse Code?" she says, giggling. "Kom says if I spell out a bad word, my headlamp is gonna break clean off!"
  • Anemone is running around the sportsball pitch. "Kom says the most important part of Defense Training is knowing when to run away," she huffs as she runs past. "Good thing I'm so good at running!"
  • Anemone rolls a bobberfruit down her arm and flicks it to you with her elbow, then munches down on one of her own while she watches the construction crews work on the walls. "Kinda cool, huh?" she says. "Soon this place is gonna look like a real colony!"
  • Anemone holds her palms up to you excitedly. "[Name], look!" Her palms are covered with a collection of scrapes and blue flaky scales. "I'm getting tougher every day!"
Age 12
If it is Quiet:
  • Anemone is building something that could be a snowman, if it ever actually snowed here. It sloughs off to the side, and she pouts. "It's not sticky enough..."
If it is Pollen:
  • Anemone sneezes eight times in rapid succession as you approach. "Argh!" they exclaim. "I hate this skungie pollen! How am I supposed to train like this?"
If it is Wet:
  • Anemone scowls as she watches the rain come down. "I'm gonna do it," she mutters. "I don't care if my hair looks like a puffball afterwards. If that's what's gonna happen, that's what's gonna happen."
  • Anemone looks up from her holopalm and sighs dramatically as you approach. "Man, I hate school learnin'!" she exclaims, prodding at her screen. "Why do I even hafta do this?"
  • A sportsball goes sailing over your head. "Fore!" Anemone giggles, as she jogs up to you. "That's what they used to say on Earth when a ball would go into the crowd. I like it!"
  • You approach Anemone just as she's about to bite into a sandwich the size of her head. "Mom says I'm 'bout ta hit my growth spurt," she says, chewing with her mouth open. "She says I got a hollow leg."
  • You don't see Anemone... ...she sees you first! "Tag!" she exclaims, pouncing on you from behind. "You're it!"
Age 13
If it is Pollen:
  • You catch Anemone hauling around heavy containers filled with sand. "I'm training for this year's Vertumnalia festival!" she says, grunting as she hauls a container onto her shoulder. "I'm gonna be the strongest this year, for sure!"
If it is Dust:
  • You walk up to Anemone just as she's pouring a canteen of water over her head. "Hoo-ee!" she exclaims. "It's hot!"
  • "Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two..." Anemone counts, bouncing a sportsball on her knee. "Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six... oh, hey, [Name]!" She tucks the sportsball under her elbow and smiles at you. "What's up?"
  • Anemone is munching on a container of cut-up pieces of dustmelon. "My mom is kinda bossy, but she sure makes a great lunch," she says, offering you a piece. "Gotta keep your strength up!"
  • Anemone is sitting in the sportsball dugout, her feet propped up on the bench. "Hey, [Name]! What's up?"
Age 14
If it is Pollen:
If there is a famine:
  • Anemone pouts as she rolls a sportsball under her foot. "I figure there's not really gonna be a harvest festival this year," she says, "but it still sucks."
If there is not a famine:
  • "Hey, [Name]! Check this out!" Anemone flexes her biceps at you. She's clearly been working out. "I'm gonna destroy the competition at Vertumnalia this year! It's my year!"
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone looks up at the dark sky, her face lit only by the eerie glow of nearby mushrooms. "Do you ever get the sense that something bad is gonna happen?" she asks. "Like, we've been here so long, the other shoe's gonna drop?" She blinks and looks at you, putting on a crooked smile. "Aw, I'm just bein' silly," she says. "With people like my big bro protecting us, we ain't got nothing to worry about, right?"
If there is a famine (any season):
  • "Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" Anemone exclaims, holding her stomach. "I'm! So! Hungry!"
  • Anemone scratches at her cheek, then scowls as a bit of blue scales flake off. "Stupid acne," she mutters. "On top a' everything else, I got this, too?"
  • Anemone grabs you by the shoulders. "[Name], you gotta help me," she says, urgently. "Mom keeps talking about how we're all gonna have to start havin' babies and she gets this look about her. I don't wanna have any skungie babies!" Anemone shudders with her whole body. "Why'd I gotta be in a girl body, anyway? I'm tougher 'n stronger than lotsa boys, 'n no one's telling them they gotta have babies."
  • Anemone is in the middle of tying her mane of hair away from her face. "Oh, hey [Name]," she says, hair-tie between her teeth. "Just about ta go for a run. Wanna come?"
Not implemented (but present in code):
  • Anemone shifts uncomfortably, picking at something under her shirt. "Stupid boobs," she mutters under her breath. "Who asked for 'em, really."
Age 15
If the Heliopause has landed:
  • Anemone looks around at all the new soldiers that arrived on the Heliosphere. "They look so... cool," she mutters. "Why didn't we act more like these guys in the first place?"
  • You and Anemone watch a unit of Helio soldiers jog by, with Vace in the lead. "Did you see that guy?" she says, when they're out of earshot. "He's... kind of hot, right?"
If it is Pollen:
  • "I don't know if I'm going to do anything for Vertumnalia this year," Anemone says, crossing her muscular arms. "I know Kom wouldn't want me to stop just 'cause of him, but it doesn't feel right."
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone appears on edge, constantly looking over at the walls. "I just... you know... we gotta be ready, right?" she says, seriously. "They could come at any-" A door bangs open somewhere, and Anemone jumps, her hand going to her personal defense plascutter. "God-sodding..." she mutters. "Get it together, Nemmie."
If you have seen Anemone's Relationship 60 Event
  • Anemone is looking over some official-looking documents on her holopalm, and dismisses them as you walk up. "Hey, [Name]," she says.
  • Anemone doesn't say anything as you approach.
  • Anemone is kicking a sportsball around listlessly. After a while, she picks it up and just stares off into the distance at the colony walls.
  • Anemone fiddles with her personal defense plascutter. "Never thought I'd actually be usin' one of these," she says, quietly. "Guess we all gotta be ready to defend ourselves, now."
Age 16
If it is Pollen:
  • "Did you know the Helios don't have Vertumnalia?" Anemone says. "I guess that makes sense. It is a harvest festival, I guess. I'm gonna have to train triple hard this year to make up for all this competition."
If it is Dust:
  • Anemone lifts the bottom edge of her shirt to wipe her face. "I've been training in this heat for six years," she says, smiling mischievously. "I've got the home advantage!"
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone stands completely still, looking at the colony walls. "Things are a lot different than two years ago," she says, "but I still can't forget."
  • Anemone breaks off from her squad and greets you with a nod of her head. "What's up, [Name]?"
  • Anemone takes a big pull from her canteen, sighs, and rubs the back of her hand over her mouth. "Hoo-ee, [Name], this trainin' business is hard."
  • You spot Anemone talking to Vace. He smiles warmly and claps her on the shoulder and she goes red, stammering out a goodbye as he walks away. "O-oh, hey [Name]," she says when you approach.
  • Anemone is leaning on the fence that goes around the outdoor training yard, watching the soldiers train. Specifically, she's watching Vace. You elbow her in the side, and she jolts and laughs awkwardly. "What's up, [Name]?"
Age 17
If Anemone is dating Vace:
  • You feel the weight of a pair of eyes on you as you approach Anemone. Looking around, you see Vace staring at you with a suspicious expression. "Hey, [Name]!" Anemone says, greeting you with a smile. "What's up?"
  • Anemone is smiling at her holopalm, and waves away a holomessage as you approach. "I don't think I've ever talked to anyone as much as I talk to Vace. I feel like I can talk to him about anything, you know?"
If Tammy has announced her pregnancy:
  • "Can you believe Tammy's pregnant?" Anemone says as you approach.

Anemone shudders. "Better her than me, yuck."

If it is Glow:
  • Anemone adjusts the strap of her rifle. "Don't worry, [Name]" she says, with a serious expression. "I'll protect you."
  • You catch Anemone scarfing down some rations outside the garrison. "I took a nap during my lunch break and I ran outta time to eat," she says. "Too much to do."
  • "I keep tryin' a tell myself that not everyone needs to fight the aliens," Anemone says, looking up the colony road to the garden and geoponics domes. "But I can't stand it when Cal talks about how we all gotta sing songs and get along. He's so stupid."
  • Anemone is doing squats in the training yard. "Thirty... thirty-one... oh, hey [Name]!" She jumps up and stretches her legs. "Feel like challenging the Squat Queen?"
  • You come across Anemone just sitting on bench, her rifle slung across her knees as she stares into the middle distance. She snaps to attention when she sees you. "Hey, [Name]," she says. "What do you need?"
  • You spot Anemone playing darts with a bunch of other soldiers. She throws a dart and it lands clear in the middle of a Faceless's... well, head isn't the right word, but the soldiers all cheer and clap her on the back. She breaks away from the group and slings an arm over your shoulder. "Didya see that, [Name]?"
Age 18
If Anemone is dating Vace:
  • Anemone seems engrossed in her holopalm as you approach. "Hold on, [Name]," she says, "I gotta finish this message to Vace. He gets so moody if I don't holo him back right away."
  • Anemone seems troubled. "How do you know if someone still likes you?" she asks. "I don't understand this dating stuff."
If Echinacea has been born:
  • "Tammy's kid is pretty cute, I guess," Anemone says. "If you're into that sorta thing."
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone adjusts the strap of her rifle. "Don't worry, [Name]" she says, with a serious expression. "I'll protect you."
  • You catch Anemone around the side of the garrison, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. You call her name and she jerks awake, her hand going to her rifle. "H- what? What's going on? Are they here?"
  • Anemone yawns as you approach. "Hhhh- sorry, [Name]," she says, covering her mouth. "Late night. Early morning. You know how it is."
  • Anemone is watching some of the other soldiers practicing their hand-to-hand combat. "Man," she says, "I hope we never actually have to do that. Seems like a bad idea."
  • You come across Anemone just sitting on bench, her rifle slung across her knees as she stares into the middle distance. She snaps to attention when she sees you.

"Hey, [Name]," she says. "What do you need?"

Age 19
If Anemone is dating Vace:
  • Anemone seems unusually withdrawn today. "[Name]... how do you... what if..." She stops and looks down at the ground. "Never mind, actually. I got myself into trouble with him, I can get out of it. I just have to apologize."
  • Anemone looks up from her holopalm as you approach. "[Name], can you block someone from sending you holos? Just temporarily," she asks. Her holopalm chimes with another incoming message, and she winces. "I really screwed up, and now Vace won't leave it alone. I said I was sorry!"
If it is Quiet:
  • "Newton's bloody apple," Anemone swears. "I hate it here. Every alien should just die, and anyone who sympathizes with them? Them, too."
If it is Glow:
  • Anemone adjusts the strap of her rifle. "Everyone here is prepared to give their lives to protect the colony." She looks towards the walls. "Hopefully it doesn't come to that."
  • Anemone stares out at the walls, stone-faced. She barely acknowledges your presence.
  • Anemone is standing with a few other soldiers. She nods at you as you approach.
  • You catch Anemone around the side of the garrison, leaning her head against her arm. She pushes herself off the wall as you approach and rubs her eyes. "What's up, [Name]? Does someone need me?"
  • Anemone shoots you a small smile as you approach. "There's still a lot to do before sundown. But if you need me, I'm here."

Receiving Gifts[]

This section includes dialogue given when the character receives a gift.

White Astrantia
  • "Whoa, that looks really special," Anemone's eyes go wide as you hand her the flower. "Thank you, [Name]. Thanks bunches!"
If it is Anemone's birthday:
If it is Year 15:
  • Anemone gives you a little smile. "Thanks for remembering my birthday," she says. "It's... not the same without Kom here."
If it is not Year 15:
  • "Hey, is this a birthday cake? Thanks for remembering my birthday!!"
If it is not Anemone's birthday:
  • "Thanks!" Anemone says. "Any excuse to eat a whole cake, right?"
Red Xeno Egg
If it is Anemone's birthday:
If it is Year 15:
  • Anemone gives you a little smile as she accepts the egg. "Thank you for remembering my birthday, [Name]. It's hard, without Kom here."
If it is not Year 15:
  • "Cool, thanks!" Anemone says, taking the egg. "I guess it is my birthday this week. I kind of forgot!"
If it is not Anemone's birthday:
If it is Year 14 or earlier:
  • "Whoa, this egg looks tasty!!" Anemone exclaims. "Wait... I can eat this, right?"
If it is Year 15:
  • Anemone gives you a little smile. "Thanks, [Name]. This was Kom's favorite food, too."
If it is Year 16 or later:
  • "You're a hero," Anemone says, taking the egg, "and I'm starving. I'm gonna get the kitchen to cook this up right away."
Crystal Cluster
If it is Year 14 or earlier:
  • "A pretty rock?" Anemone hefts the crystal in her hand. "No offense, but... what does it do? Should we smash it? This looks like something Marz would like..."
If it is Year 15:
  • "I don't like rocks," Anemone replies, taking the crystal in her hands. "And I hate everything about this stupid planet. Go give it to Marz."
If it is Year 16 or later:
  • "Huh, look at this hunk of whatever," Anemone says, hefting the crystal with one hand. "It's not really my thing. You should give these to Marz."
Everything else
If it is Anemone's birthday:
  • "Cool, thanks. I guess it is my birthday this week, I kind of forgot!"
If it is not Anemone's birthday:
  • Anemone looks at the offering. "Hmm. Thanks."


This section includes the "special activity" for a given character. Anemone's activity is training ("Want to train together?") and requires specific levels of the Toughness skill.

Toughness 20

[This cutscene only plays if the Heliopause has not landed; if it has, the Toughness 40 cutscene will play instead.] (Anemone +1, Toughness +1; gives the card Telling a Violent Tale)

  • On your way to the sportsball pitch, Anemone shares the story about the time her brother Kom once spiked the ball so hard that he broke Utopia's nose, back when she used to play sportsball too. She describes it in gory detail. "But don't go easy on me!" she exclaims. "That's why we have medbeds, right? Plus, I might get a cool scar!" She thumbs a blue-scaled scar on her jaw, right under her ear.
Toughness 40

(Anemone +1, Toughness +1; gives the card Getting Your Butt Kicked)

If the Heliopause has not landed:
  • You used to be able to go mano a mano with Anemone, but she's been training hard.

You get your butt kicked all over the sportsball pitch. She leans over you while you're lying on the floor, completely gassed. "You okay?" she laughs. "I didn't go too hard, right?"

If the Heliopause has landed:
  • Anemone suggests you practice some hand-to-hand combat, then kicks your butt in the absolute most literal sense. She leans over you while you're lying on the floor, completely gassed. "You okay?" she laughs. "I didn't go too hard, right?"
Toughness 80

(Anemone +1, Toughness +1; gives the card Hurting a Friend)

  • Anemone always insists that you never go easy on her, so this time... you don't. You go after her with everything you've got.

By the time she finally taps out, you're both breathing hard. You let her up and she touches her fingertips to her eyebrow, startling when it comes back red. "Whoa!" she says. "You really kicked my ass! Good job!"

Character Relationship Events[]

This section includes relationship-based events. Most characters have a relationship event every 10 relationship points; some relationship events may have additional requirements.

Relationship 10
Requirements: Year 13 or earlier
Unlocks Anemone - Augment
"...so then I trapped it in my room!" Anemone says, telling you all about the bug she saw in her quarters. "Its wings were as big as my hand, and it had feelers like, whoooooaaaaa!! It was bouncing all over the place, like, boing! Boing! Boing!"
She gestures excitedly, swinging her arms over her head. "The bugs here are so big! And they're everywhere!!"
"I was gonna give it to Tang," she says. "She loves gross bug stuff. But she said I should just let it go, because if it stung me I might get weird mutant powers. I mean... other than the one I already have!"
"And I wanted to see if I got more weird mutant powers... so I started jumping around, off higher and higher things, until I was jumping off the back of the ship! And I got in sooooooo much trouble! But it wasn't even that high!"
She stops in her tracks. "Hold on," she says, stooping to rub irritably at her knees for probably the hundredth time in the past five minutes. "Argh! I'm gonna die!! I busted up my knees and it's soooo itchy when my scales grow in!"
"Annie! Don't pick at it!" Chief Steward Antecedent's voice rings out across the garrison yard, pleasant but firm; it instantly transports you back to being in the ship creche, tugging on her skirts and calling her Auntie.
Anemone jumps and stands up straight, her hands flying to her sides.
"But mom," Anemone whines, digging her fingers into her knees as Auntie Seedent approaches you both. "It's so scratchtastically itchieeeee!"
"I know, lovely," Aunti Seedent soothes her, patting down her riotous red hair. "But the more you pick at it, the thicker your scales are going to grow in."
Anemone tucks her hands under her armpits to keep from scratching. "What if I wanna have cool scales," she pouts.
Auntie Seedent smiles indulgently. "At the rate you're going, I'm sure you'll be covered in them before you know it. No need to rush."
Anemone's skin is dotted with patches of protective blue-green scales that grow in wherever she gets a cut or scrape. She rubs the patch on her jaw indignantly, the one she got when she ran head-first into the food synthesizer back on the ship.
Auntie Seedent opens her satchel and pulls out a bundle of clothes. "The queue for the nanoprinter is over a week long, so I patched your pants with scraps from your brother's clothing. Please, try not to put any more holes in them - or yourself, okay?"
She hands the clothes to Anemone and kisses her on her forehead. Anemone sticks out her tongue and gags, yuck.
Anemone evaluates the clothes as her mom walks away. "Galactic," she breathes, as she runs her fingers over the odd-colored patches. Then, right there in the middle of the yard, she unashamedly squirms out of her pants and pulls on the new ones.
"Waaaah! I look like a fighter jet, from the holos!" she exclaims, showing off her 'new' pants. "Like when they'd stencil your kill count on your plane!"
"Or like a really cool scar!"
Anemone grins. "Yeah! You get it! My pants are scarred, just like me!" [Ends event]
"You should be more careful..."
Anemone sticks out her tongue at you. "You sound like my mom," she teases. [Ends event]
Relationship 20
Requirements: Year 13 or earlier
Unlocks Anemone's Loyalty I card
You and Anemone are playing in the garrison yard with sticks, chasing each other around and pretending to be sword fighting. The adults training nearby are patient with you as long as you don't get near the target dummies, but sometimes you stray too close.
"Watch out, Annie!" one of the security personnel calls out as Anemone bumps into her. "You kids stay behind the fences, okay?" "It's Anemone!" she retorts, as you both retreat to a safe distance. Anemone throws her stick to the ground and pouts. "Just 'cause everyone else shortens their name, it doesn't mean I hafta do it! I like bein' Anemone!" "But... having a nickname is kinda cool... and mysterious... like having a callsign, you know? What would you call me, [Name]?"
"What's wrong with Annie?"
"Noooooooo," Anemone whines, dragging her hands down her face. "Anne is my mom's name, and she's always callin' me 'little Annie' like the kid from the holovids and I haaaaaaaaaaate it, please don't pick that."
"Okay, I won't." (Allows you to choose another option)
Anemone sighs in relief.
"I think it's cute." (Anemone -1; Sets Anemone's nickname to "Annie")
'Annie' drops her head in defeat. "Fine..." she sighs. "But only because you're my friend." Annie picks up her discarded stick. "Now," she says, brandishing it at you. "Prepare to be defeated by the mighty Annie!"

You spend the next hour sparring with Annie in the yard. [Ends event]

"How about Nem?" (Sets Anemone's nickname to "Nem")
'Nem' tilts her head. "Huh! I've never heard that one before!" She mimes swinging a sword a few times. "Nem, Nem... I like it! Short and punchy... just like me! It's kinda like I'm a 'venturer from a story!" Nem picks up her discarded stick. ""Now,"" she says, brandishing it at you. ""Prepare to be defeated by the mighty Nem!"" You spend the next hour sparring with Nem in the yard. [Ends event]
"What do you think of Nemmie?" (Sets Anemone's nickname to "Nemmie")
Before Year 14 Glow:
'Nemmie' tilts her head. "Huh!" She mimes swinging a sword a few times. "Nemmie, Nemmie... Yeah, Kom calls me that sometimes. At least it's not Annie." Nemmie picks up her discarded stick. "Now," she says, brandishing it at you. "Prepare to be defeated by the mighty Nemmie!" You spend the next hour sparring with Nemmie in the yard. [Ends event]
After Year 14 Glow:
'Nemmie' tilts her head. "Huh!"
"Kom used to call me that," she says distantly, then, "Okay, yeah, I think I'd like it if you called me Nemmie." Nemmie picks up her discarded stick. "Now," she says, brandishing it at you. "Prepare to be defeated by the mighty Nemmie!" You spend the next hour sparring with Nemmie in the yard. [Ends event]
"Just... Anemone?" (Sets Anemone's nickname to "Anemone")
Anemone's tentative smile widens. "That's what I'm always sayin'!" she exclaims. "It's a perfect name, all by itself. I don't need a nickname to be cool, right? We all got such cool names in the first place!" Anemone picks up her discarded stick. "Now," she says, brandishing it at you. "Prepare to be defeated by the mighty Anemone!" You spend the next hour sparring with Anemone in the yard. [Ends event]
"Something else..." (Sets Anemone's nickname to a custom name)
"Well, what nickname then?"
'[Nickname]' tilts her head. "Huh! Not bad!" She mimes swinging a sword a few times. "[Nickname], [Nickname]... well... at least it's not Annie. Okay, since you're my friend you can call me that." [Nickname] picks up her discarded stick. "Now," she says, brandishing it at you. "Prepare to be defeated by the mighty [Nickname]!" You spend the next hour sparring with [Nickname] in the yard. [Ends event]
Relationship 30
Requirements: Year 13 or earlier
If it is Wet or Glow:
Anemone and Nougat are stomping a big mud puddle in the soft ground outside the garrison, passing a sportsball back and forth and chasing each other around. Anemone looks up as you approach, and excitedly flails mud at you.
"[Name]! Hey!" she says, jumping up and down. "Lookit! Look! Look!" She bounces the sportsball on her knees. "Lookit what Nougat and me are practicing!" Anemone bounces the sportsball from one knee to the other a few times before launching it up into the air. She crouches, leaps up after it, and spikes it with her head towards Nougat with a yell. The sportsball thuds into Nougat's chest, sending her sprawling to the dirt. For a second you freeze, waiting for the crying to start. Instead Nougat shrieks and laughs, clutching the ball, as Anemone jumps up and down and pumps her fist dramatically. "Four points for the ball not touching the ground after contact!" Anemone crows. "The crowd goes wild!! The Garrison Galaxies win again! Woo!" Nougat cups her hands over her mouth, imitating the roar of a crowd.
"Wow! That's awesome!" (Anemone +1)
"I know, right?!" Anemone beams. She stands up straighter, and puts her hands on her hips. "I'm gonna be just as good as my big bro, someday! And Nougat will too."
She rubs the back of her hand across her nose, leaving a smear of dirt. "Hey, you should come by the sportsball pitch sometime! I can show you some tricks!" Anemone and Nougat look at you expectantly.
"Okay! I will!" (Anemone +1)
"Yay! Great!" Anemone says, bouncing on her feet. "I can't wait! I'm so excited! Sportsball is my favorite thing on the planet!"
Her eyes go wide. "Maybe even in the whole galaxy!!" "Me too! Me too!" Nougat yells from where she's still lying on the ground. She picks herself up and carefully puts the ball down in front of her, then kicks it to Anemone. "Did you see that?" Anemone laughs. "She kicked the ball with her foot! Nougat's a natural, she's already inventing new ways to play sportsball. Future coach Nougat!" Nougat puts her hands on her tiny hips. "If you come to practice, you gotta play!" she challenges, pointing at you. "Nemmie says I get to be coach so it's my rules!" You and Anemone both burst out laughing. Nougat is such a little character. [Ends event]
"Well... maybe..."
Anemone leans over and punches you in the shoulder. "Aw, it's okay!" she says. "You don't hafta! I just think it'd be really fun!! Sportsball is my favorite thing on the planet!"
Her eyes go wide. "Maybe even in the whole galaxy!!" "Me too! Me too!" Nougat yells from where she's still lying on the ground. She picks herself up and carefully puts the ball down in front of her, then kicks it to Anemone. "Did you see that?" Anemone laughs. "She kicked the ball with her foot! Nougat's a natural, she's already inventing new ways to play sportsball. Future coach Nougat!" Nougat puts her hands on her tiny hips. "If you come to practice, you gotta play!" she challenges, pointing at you. "Nemmie says I get to be coach so it's my rules!" You and Anemone both burst out laughing. Nougat is such a little character. [Ends event]
"I could do better." (Anemone -1)
If you've played sportsball less than 3 times:
"Yeah, right!" she scoffs. "We'd like to see you try!" She tilts her head, thinking, before breaking into a sunny smile. "Actually, you should! Come by the sportsball pitch sometime, and I can show you some tricks!" Anemone and Nougat look at you expectantly.
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
If you've played sportsball 3 or more times:
"Yeah, probably..." she scowls, but then perks up. "You should come by the sportsball pitch sometime! You could show us some of your tricks!" Anemone and Nougat look at you expectantly.
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
If it is Quiet, Pollen, or Dust:
Anemone and Nougat are kicking up a huge cloud of dust outside the garrison, passing a sportsball back and forth and chasing each other around. Anemone looks up as you approach, and flails excitedly at you.
"[Name]! Hey!" she says, jumping up and down. "Lookit! Look! Look!" She bounces the sportsball on her knees. "Lookit what Nougat and me are practicing!" Anemone bounces the sportsball from one knee to the other a few times before launching it up into the air. She crouches, leaps up after it, and spikes it with her head towards Nougat with a yell. The sportsball thuds into Nougat's chest, sending her sprawling to the dirt. For a second you freeze, waiting for the crying to start. Instead Nougat shrieks and laughs, clutching the ball, as Anemone jumps up and down and pumps her fist dramatically. "Four points for the ball not touching the ground after contact!" Anemone crows. "The crowd goes wild!! The Garrison Galaxies win again! Woo!" Nougat cups her hands over her mouth, imitating the roar of a crowd.
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Relationship 40
Requirements: Before Year 14 Glow
You find Anemone in the sportsball bleachers, intently focused on her holopalm. She looks frustrated by whatever is on it.
"Whoa, are you actually studying?"
If Reasoning, Biology, or Engineering are over 20:
"Ha-ha, very funny, [Name]," Anemone replies. "No, I'm not studying, because sportsball superstars don't need to be brainiacs like you!" [Continues as though you chose "What's up?"]
If Reasoning, Biology, and Engineering are all at or below 20:
"Ha-ha, very funny, [Name]," Anemone replies. "No, I'm not studying, because sportsball superstars don't need to be brainiacs!" [Continues as though you chose "What's up?"]
"Ditch that, let's play sportsball." [Requires having previously unlocked sportsball] (Anemone +1)
Anemone sighs. "Ugh, I can't," she replies. [Continues as though you chose "What's up?"]
"What's up?"
"I dunno what to get Kom for his birthday," she grumbles. "I havta top last year, when I made up a sportsball trophy and gave it to him." She turns off her holopalm. "I'm just runnin' outta ideas, you know?"
"What kind of stuff does he like?" (Allows you to choose another option)
Anemone shrugs. "I dunno, cool stuff...? Like, sportsball? And defense squad stuff?" She smiles and rubs her nose. "He's the best brother. He always plays with me and the triplets even if he's zonked from work. And he never gets mad or teases when I get in trouble. He's just like..." Anemone sits up straighter and squares her shoulders, imitating Kom. "You know, Nemmie," she says, lowering her voice. "You have to play by the rules." Anemone picks at a blue-scaled scab on her knee. "I love him the most outta anyone here. I just wanna get him something good."
"You should get him something practical."
"Yeah?" Anemone says. "I was thinking that too... like I didn't wanna get him a little kid gift, you know? Like how mom taught us how to make stuff with macaroni and glue."
If Tammy has not died: She wrinkles her nose. "Or how Tammy always gives people weird dolls. What's up with that?"
"The problem is... what should I get him?" she continues. "He can already print basically anything he needs with the nanoprinter."
"How about a pair of sunglasses?" (Sets Kom's gift to sunglasses)
"Hmm, that's not a bad idea," Anemone replies. "It does get pretty bright here..." She nods. "Alright! It's settled. I'll print him a pair of sunglasses."
"Hey, squirt! What are you doing up there?" You look down at the pitch, where Kom is standing with a sportsball under his arm and an easy smile. "Is this knucklehead bothering you?" Anemone gasps, then laughs. "Kom!" she whines, "[Name] is my friend! We're just talking!" Kom drops the sportsball to the ground and rolls it under his heel. "I'm getting the team together to run some drills. [Pronoun] can come, too." Anemone looks at you, hopefully.
"Sure, I could use the practice." [Requires having played sportsball at least once] (Anemone +1, Toughness +1)
Anemone cheers and scampers down the bleachers, launching herself into a full-body hug with Kom. You follow her descent more cautiously, listening to her chatter with Kom about her day as they walk together across the pitch. She really loves her big brother. [Ends event]
"I don't know how to play." [Requires never having played sportsball before]
"No problem," Kom says. "You can come watch, and join in if you feel comfortable. It's no pressure." Anemone cheers and scampers down the bleachers, launching herself into a full-body hug with Kom. You follow her descent more cautiously, listening to her chatter with Kom about her day as they walk together across the pitch. She really loves her big brother. [Ends event]
"Not for me, thanks."
"No problem," Kom says. "You can come watch, and join in if you feel comfortable. It's no pressure." Anemone cheers and scampers down the bleachers, launching herself into a full-body hug with Kom. You follow her descent more cautiously, listening to her chatter with Kom about her day as they walk together across the pitch. She really loves her big brother. [Ends event]
"A new canteen?" (Sets Kom's gift to canteen)
"Hmm, that's not a bad idea," Anemone replies. "I could make it in his favorite colors, and put a little strap on it so it goes on his belt..." She nods. "Alright! It's settled. I'll make him a new canteen."
"Hey, squirt! What are you doing up there?" You look down at the pitch, where Kom is standing with a sportsball under his arm and an easy smile. "Is this knucklehead bothering you?" Anemone gasps, then laughs. "Kom!" she whines, "[Name] is my friend! We're just talking!" Kom drops the sportsball to the ground and rolls it under his heel. "I'm getting the team together to run some drills. [Pronoun] can come, too." Anemone looks at you, hopefully.
[Same dialogue and choices as above]
"He'd appreciate something from the heart."
"Yeah, you're probably right," Anemone says. "I just don't wanna get him a little kid gift, you know? Like how mom taught us how to make stuff with macaroni and glue."
If Tammy has not died: She wrinkles her nose. "Or how Tammy always gives people weird dolls. What's up with that?"
"The problem is... I'm not good at that stuff," she complains. "What's something I can do that's easy, but still cool?"
"How about a friendship bracelet?" (Sets Kom's gift to bracelet)
Anemone snaps her fingers. "That's right!" she exclaims. "Cal knows how to make all kindsa knots, he can probably help me figure out a pattern." She beams. "Aaah, this is a great idea! Thank you, [Name]!"
"Hey, squirt! What are you doing up there?" You look down at the pitch, where Kom is standing with a sportsball under his arm and an easy smile. "Is this knucklehead bothering you?" Anemone gasps, then laughs. "Kom!" she whines, "[Name] is my friend! We're just talking!" Kom drops the sportsball to the ground and rolls it under his heel. "I'm getting the team together to run some drills. [Pronoun] can come, too." Anemone looks at you, hopefully.
[Same dialogue and choices as above]
"A picture of the two of you?" (Sets Kom's gift to picture)
"As long as I don't gotta put macaroni on the frame..." Anemone replies, laughing. "But yeah, that's nice... he'll probably move outta the family quarters soon, and that way he'll already have a picture of us to take with him." She jolts up. "Oh! I have the perfect picture, too! Thanks, [Name]! This is a great idea."
"Hey, squirt! What are you doing up there?" You look down at the pitch, where Kom is standing with a sportsball under his arm and an easy smile. "Is this knucklehead bothering you?" Anemone gasps, then laughs. "Kom!" she whines, "[Name] is my friend! We're just talking!" Kom drops the sportsball to the ground and rolls it under his heel. "I'm getting the team together to run some drills. [Pronoun] can come, too." Anemone looks at you, hopefully.
[Same dialogue and choices as above]
Relationship 50
Requirements: Year 14 or later [Only available if Dys has not "died"]
Unlocks Anemone's Loyalty II card and Anemone - More
You spot Anemone halfway up a garrison watchtower, her legs wrapped around the scaffolding as she cranes to look over the fence though a pair of holoculars. You clear your throat, and she peers down at you and waves. "[Name]! Come on up here! I wanna ask you something!"
If Toughness is less than 20: You awkwardly climb up the scaffolding, holding on for dear life. Geez, maybe you should spend some more time on the sportsball pitch...
If Toughness is 20 or higher: You clamber easily up the scaffolding. Anemone gives you a high five.
If Perception is less than 20: "Here, look through these," Anemone says, shoving the holoculars into your hands. You raise them to your eyes and look where she's pointing. You... don't see anything, except for undifferentiated wilderness. Anemone sighs and physically moves your head until you spot a dark humanoid shape moving through the towering fungal forest.
If Perception is 20 or higher: "Here, look through these," Anemone says, shoving the holoculars into your hands. You raise them to your eyes and look where she's pointing. A long ways out, much farther than the expeditions are going, you spot a dark humanoid shape moving through the towering fungal forest.
"See him?" Anemone asks. "It's Dys, I swear it is. He's always sneaking out over the walls!"
"So what?" (Rebellion +5)
Anemone stares at you. "So what?" she repeats, aghast. "He's gonna get in trouble!"
"Only if you tell on him."
"Well, y-yeah!" Anemone sputters. "But... but someone SHOULD!"
"The adults say we're not supposed t' go outside the colony unless it's on expedition," Anemone says, taking the holoculars back and looping them around her neck. "And Dys just goes whenever he wants! What if he gets hurt? What if he dies?" She wrinkles her nose. "What if he picks up a weird alien disease and comes back with three heads??" Anemone scratches her cheek, where acne's made her skin dry and sore-looking. "Ow," she mutters, as bits flake off. "I just dunno what to do about it," she says. "What do you think?"
"Stay out of his business." (Rebellion +5)
"I can't do that," Anemone pouts. "As the strongest kid in the colony, I gotta protect all the other kids!"
"The colony's got rules for a reason," Anemone says, staring off into the wilderness. "If we do our own thing and don't care about the rules, we're all gonna be toast."
"Kinda like a sportsball team... we're all doin' different stuff, but we all gotta play by the same rules, so we can get as many points as we can."
"Anemone! [Name]!" You look down at the ground, where a passing colonist is waving up at you. "You two get down from there! It's not safe!"
"Okay! Sorry! I'm on watch!" Anemone shouts back, indicating her holoculars. She shoots you a smile. "I guess we should get inside the watchtower, huh?"
You both climb the rest of the way to the guard platform. Anemone heaves herself over the edge and reaches down to help you up, and you notice that her hands are all banged up and scabbing over with blue scales, probably from scampering all over the place the way she does.
She notices you looking, and laughs awkwardly. She runs her hand through her fluffy hair. "Maybe if I get beat up enough, I'll have so many scales I won't have no more acne," she jokes. [Ends event]
"You should tell an adult." (Rebellion -5)
Anemone frowns thoughtfully. "Yeah, I guess. That's probably the right thing to do... but I don't want him to be mad at me... but I also want him to be safe..." She exhales noisily. "Argh! Why is protecting everyone so hard?!"
"The colony's got rules for a reason," Anemone says, staring off into the wilderness. "If we do our own thing and don't care about the rules, we're all gonna be toast."
"Kinda like a sportsball team... we're all doin' different stuff, but we all gotta play by the same rules, so we can get as many points as we can."
"Anemone! [Name]!" You look down at the ground, where a passing colonist is waving up at you. "You two get down from there! It's not safe!"
"Okay! Sorry! I'm on watch!" Anemone shouts back, indicating her holoculars. She shoots you a smile. "I guess we should get inside the watchtower, huh?"
You both climb the rest of the way to the guard platform. Anemone heaves herself over the edge and reaches down to help you up, and you notice that her hands are all banged up and scabbing over with blue scales, probably from scampering all over the place the way she does.
She notices you looking, and laughs awkwardly. She runs her hand through her fluffy hair. "Maybe if I get beat up enough, I'll have so many scales I won't have no more acne," she jokes. [Ends event]
"Try to convince him to stay inside?"
Anemone barks out a laugh. "Yeah, right! I tried that. He told me to eff off," she says. "And I talked to Tang, but I guess they're not talking, either. I dunno what's up with that."
"The colony's got rules for a reason," Anemone says, staring off into the wilderness. "If we do our own thing and don't care about the rules, we're all gonna be toast."
"Kinda like a sportsball team... we're all doin' different stuff, but we all gotta play by the same rules, so we can get as many points as we can."
"Anemone! [Name]!" You look down at the ground, where a passing colonist is waving up at you. "You two get down from there! It's not safe!"
"Okay! Sorry! I'm on watch!" Anemone shouts back, indicating her holoculars. She shoots you a smile. "I guess we should get inside the watchtower, huh?"
You both climb the rest of the way to the guard platform. Anemone heaves herself over the edge and reaches down to help you up, and you notice that her hands are all banged up and scabbing over with blue scales, probably from scampering all over the place the way she does.
She notices you looking, and laughs awkwardly. She runs her hand through her fluffy hair. "Maybe if I get beat up enough, I'll have so many scales I won't have no more acne," she jokes. [Ends event]
"We should go after him."
Anemone stares at you like you've turned green. "What?!" she exclaims. "Outside the colony? By ourselves? No way! Nuh uh!"
"It would be fun!"
Anemone shakes her head. "Nope! Not even a little bit!"
"No one would notice we were gone!"
"Nope! Nopety-nope nope!" Anemone sing-songs.
"Come on, live a little!" (Rebellion +5)
Anemone punches you lightly in the arm. "International House of Nope, dude!" she says. "We're gonna die a little if we go out there!"
"The colony's got rules for a reason," Anemone says, staring off into the wilderness. "If we do our own thing and don't care about the rules, we're all gonna be toast."
"Kinda like a sportsball team... we're all doin' different stuff, but we all gotta play by the same rules, so we can get as many points as we can."
"Anemone! [Name]!" You look down at the ground, where a passing colonist is waving up at you. "You two get down from there! It's not safe!"
"Okay! Sorry! I'm on watch!" Anemone shouts back, indicating her holoculars. She shoots you a smile. "I guess we should get inside the watchtower, huh?"
You both climb the rest of the way to the guard platform. Anemone heaves herself over the edge and reaches down to help you up, and you notice that her hands are all banged up and scabbing over with blue scales, probably from scampering all over the place the way she does.
She notices you looking, and laughs awkwardly. She runs her hand through her fluffy hair. "Maybe if I get beat up enough, I'll have so many scales I won't have no more acne," she jokes. [Ends event]
"He's not supposed to do that!" (Rebellion -5)
"Right?!" Anemone exclaims. "He's gonna get in trouble!"
"The adults say we're not supposed t' go outside the colony unless it's on expedition," Anemone says, taking the holoculars back and looping them around her neck. "And Dys just goes whenever he wants! What if he gets hurt? What if he dies?" She wrinkles her nose. "What if he picks up a weird alien disease and comes back with three heads??" Anemone scratches her cheek, where acne's made her skin dry and sore-looking. "Ow," she mutters, as bits flake off. "I just dunno what to do about it," she says. "What do you think?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Relationship 60
Requirements: Year 15, 16, or 17
Anemone doesn't notice you approach; she's focused intently on the document on her holopalm, chewing on her nail as she reads through the small print.
She jumps when she sees you, looking momentarily guilty. "Oh h-hey, [Name], I was just... lookin' over some stuff. The Helios have got all these documents you hafta sign, if you wanna..."
She trails off, biting her lip. "I'm gonna sign up to join up with the Helios," she says, hesitantly, "but there's a part where if you're under eighteen you hafta have a parent's permission just to sign up as a reservist, and..."
Anemone looks down at the ground, and scuffs her shoe in the dirt. "My mom's gonna be so mad," she mumbles. "So mad, like... she's probably gonna cry and it'll be this whole stupid thing, and..."
She takes a deep breath. "But I gotta do it. I just gotta do something."
"Who cares what your mom thinks?"
"Yeah," Anemone says. "You're right... I should just ask her right now and get it over with. Besides... if she doesn't let me sign up, I'm just gonna run into battle the next time the aliens come and... it'd be better if I knew what I was doing."
"I'm not gonna get caught off guard again," Anemone says, setting her jaw. "When they come back, I wanna be able to fight with everything I got. No one else has to die like Kom."
Anemone gestures angrily to dismiss the holoscreen and puts her face in her hands. She crouches down small, pressing her head against her knees, and takes an anguished breath. "Goddamn aliens," she says. "Buncha dumb dinosaur-looking assholes..."
"You're doing the right thing."
She stands up and rubs her eyes. "Yeah, I am," she says. "I'm not gonna let them take away anyone else." [Ends event]
"You don't have to do this."
You tell her there are other ways to help besides fighting. She stands up and rubs her eyes. "Maybe," she says. "But this is my best option. I'm not gonna let them take away anyone else." [Ends event]
"She'll understand if you explain."
"Yeah, I hope so..." Anemone says. "I'm gonna tell her that if she doesn't let me sign up, I'm just gonna run into battle the next time the aliens come and... well... it'd be better if I knew what I was doing."
"I'm not gonna get caught off guard again," Anemone says, setting her jaw. "When they come back, I wanna be able to fight with everything I got. No one else has to die like Kom."
Anemone gestures angrily to dismiss the holoscreen and puts her face in her hands. She crouches down small, pressing her head against her knees, and takes an anguished breath. "Goddamn aliens," she says. "Buncha dumb dinosaur-looking assholes..."
[Same dialogue and choices as above]
"This is a bad idea, Anemone."
Anemone sniffs and rubs her nose with the back of her hand. "Maybe. Maybe it's a real bad one. I don't know. But I can't just sit around and do nothing. The next time those aliens come... I wanna be ready for them."
"I'm not gonna get caught off guard again," Anemone says, setting her jaw. "When they come back, I wanna be able to fight with everything I got. No one else has to die like Kom."
Anemone gestures angrily to dismiss the holoscreen and puts her face in her hands. She crouches down small, pressing her head against her knees, and takes an anguished breath. "Goddamn aliens," she says. "Buncha dumb dinosaur-looking assholes..."
[Same dialogue and choices as above]
Relationship 70
Requirements: Year 16 or later
You're catching up with Anemone between her drills when she looks over your shoulder and frowns. "Newton's bloody apple," she curses, seeming to shrink behind you. "She's here again." You turn, and at the other end of the garrison you can see a small crowd of young soldiers forming around Chief Steward Antecedent. She's handing out lunch tiffins and doling out hugs to anyone who comes within melee range - which is quite a few of them. You've noticed, just from hanging around the garrison, even some of the transplanted Helio soldiers have started calling her Auntie. This must be why! "She comes by every couple of days," Anemone grumbles. "Like we're still kids in the creche, playin' in her skirts. It's so disruptive." Eventually, the crowd around Antecedent thins and she makes it over to you and Anemone. She greets you with a warm hug; she smells nice, like flour and yeast. "Hello, [Name]," she says. "Have you eaten?"
"I'm fine, Auntie."
"Let me switch out your water bottle, then," she says, taking yours and giving you a full one. "It's important to stay hydrated!" Antecedent turns to Anemone. You can almost feel the temperature in the room drop several degrees as Anemone stonily stares down at her mother. Antecedent's smile grows thin, and she clutches the handles of her basket. "How about you, Annie? Have you eaten? Do you need..." Anemone scowls and crosses her arms. "I'm fine," she says, cutting off her mother. "Just like I was yesterday, and last week. I don't need you to manage me." "If... you're sure," Antecedent responds, hesitantly. "It's a mother's job to worry, Annie." She reaches out to lay her hand on Anemone's scaly cheek, but Anemone jerks backwards and slaps her hand away. "Oh, yeah?" Anemone retorts. "You just sit around and worry? Must be nice." "I bet you'd like it if that was all I did too, huh? If I quit bein' a soldier and spent all day cuddling babies, a-and wiping noses, and fixing clothes, like you did?! Nice and safe in the creche, forever?"
"Anemone! But she's your mom!" (Empathy +1)
Anemone turns her frightening scowl on you. "Stay out of this, [Name]." "I've never thought that, Annie," she says, laying her hand on her heart. "I worry because I love you, and I always will. I'm just doing what I can to keep you safe." "Love doesn't keep anyone safe!" Anemone exclaims, raising her voice enough that some of the soldiers turn their heads to watch. Her thunderous expression convinces most of them to get back to their business. Anemone clenches her fists. "L-love didn't keep Kom safe, did it," she says, her voice breaking. "There's no amount of love or worry on this whole stupid planet that can do that, so you - you should just stop, okay? Stop, o-or... or do something actually useful! I'm never gonna be like you! I'm gonna fight!"
Oh no.
If Anemone is dating Vace:
Vace peels off from his unit and jogs over to stand beside Anemone. "You okay, babe?" he asks, putting his hand on Anemone's shoulder. She covers it with her own and angles her body towards him. "Yeah, everything's just galactic," Anemone mutters. "My mom was just about to tell me again how much she wishes I would give up being a soldier so I can pop out babies and be safe." Antecedent sputters, trying to explain herself, but Vace beats her to it. "Anemone is an exemplary soldier, Chief Steward," he says, calmly. "I know it's hard for a mother to accept, but we're all much safer for her service to the colony." He puts one finger under Anemone's chin, talking directly to her. "And remember, Nemmie, that we exist to protect people like your mother... to preserve the bond between parents and their children." Vace gives Antecedent a stiff smile. "If the stars align, one day we won't lose any more sons." A soft oh escapes Antecedent as she blots her eyes. "Oh... you are one of the good ones, aren't you," she says, clearly trying not to cry. "Just walking in the footsteps of the good men and women who served before me, ma'am," Vace replies. "We couldn't do it without you keeping the hearth lit for us. Speaking of... I'll take lunch, if you have any left?" Antecedent laughs and hands him a tiffin from her basket, then goes up on her toes to give him a quick hug. Over her shoulder, Vace shoots a cheeky wink at Anemone, who rolls her eyes and snorts. [Ends event]
If Anemone is not dating Vace:
Antecedent's face crumples. "I'm so sorry, Annie," she says, "I know you're hurting. But I just want you to know that your mommy is always going to be here for you, when you're ready." She gathers her skirts and retreats, leaving you with Anemone. Anger rolls off of her in waves. "Stupid cow," Anemone mutters, and stomps away from you. [Ends event]
"You don't belong here Antecedent." (Anemone +1)
Antecedent stares at you in shock, taken aback by your sudden change in tone. Beside you, Anemone huffs triumphantly. "I've never thought that, Annie," she says, laying her hand on her heart. "I worry because I love you, and I always will. I'm just doing what I can to keep you safe." "Love doesn't keep anyone safe!" Anemone exclaims, raising her voice enough that some of the soldiers turn their heads to watch. Her thunderous expression convinces most of them to get back to their business. Anemone clenches her fists. "L-love didn't keep Kom safe, did it," she says, her voice breaking. "There's no amount of love or worry on this whole stupid planet that can do that, so you - you should just stop, okay? Stop, o-or... or do something actually useful! I'm never gonna be like you! I'm gonna fight!"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
"Not yet, Auntie!"
She smiles fondly and hands you a tiffin, still warm. "It's important to keep your strength up, my love," she says, and pats you on the cheek. Antecedent turns to Anemone. You can almost feel the temperature in the room drop several degrees as Anemone stonily stares down at her mother. Antecedent's smile grows thin, and she clutches the handles of her basket. "How about you, Annie? Have you eaten? Do you need..." Anemone scowls and crosses her arms. "I'm fine," she says, cutting off her mother. "Just like I was yesterday, and last week. I don't need you to manage me." "If... you're sure," Antecedent responds, hesitantly. "It's a mother's job to worry, Annie." She reaches out to lay her hand on Anemone's scaly cheek, but Anemone jerks backwards and slaps her hand away. "Oh, yeah?" Anemone retorts. "You just sit around and worry? Must be nice." "I bet you'd like it if that was all I did too, huh? If I quit bein' a soldier and spent all day cuddling babies, a-and wiping noses, and fixing clothes, like you did?! Nice and safe in the creche, forever?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
"I don't need your help."
Antecedent's smile grows thin. "Of course, little bird. Bless your heart... you're all grown up now, aren't you? Just like my Annie. Antecedent turns to Anemone. You can almost feel the temperature in the room drop several degrees as Anemone stonily stares down at her mother. Antecedent clutches the handles of her basket. "How about you, Annie? Have you eaten? Do you need..." Anemone scowls and crosses her arms. "I'm fine," she says, cutting off her mother. "Just like I was yesterday, and last week. I don't need you to manage me." "If... you're sure," Antecedent responds, hesitantly. "It's a mother's job to worry, Annie." She reaches out to lay her hand on Anemone's scaly cheek, but Anemone jerks backwards and slaps her hand away. "Oh, yeah?" Anemone retorts. "You just sit around and worry? Must be nice." "I bet you'd like it if that was all I did too, huh? If I quit bein' a soldier and spent all day cuddling babies, a-and wiping noses, and fixing clothes, like you did?! Nice and safe in the creche, forever?"
"Anemone! But she's your mom!"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
"You don't belong here Antecedent."
Antecedent takes a little step away from you, blinking rapidly. Beside you, Anemone huffs triumphantly. "I've never thought that, Annie," she says, laying her hand on her heart. "I worry because I love you, and I always will. I'm just doing what I can to keep you safe." "Love doesn't keep anyone safe!" Anemone exclaims, raising her voice enough that some of the soldiers turn their heads to watch. Her thunderous expression convinces most of them to get back to their business. Anemone clenches her fists. "L-love didn't keep Kom safe, did it," she says, her voice breaking. "There's no amount of love or worry on this whole stupid planet that can do that, so you - you should just stop, okay? Stop, o-or... or do something actually useful! I'm never gonna be like you! I'm gonna fight!"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Relationship 80
Requirements: Year 17 or later
You were supposed to meet Anemone for lunch, but she didn't show up. You head to the garrison to see if you can find her. You spot Anemone's shock of red hair over by the close-range fighting ring. As you approach, she finishes a flurry of blows with a roundhouse kick that almost knocks the training dummy's head clear off. "Ki-YAAAAAAH," Anemone roars, echoing off the vaulted ceiling of the garrison. Anemone steps back from the ring and pulls up the bottom of her shirt to wipe her face, flashing you a glimpse of her muscular stomach and the blue-green scaling that dances over her ribcage and down her hips. Her skin shines with sweat under the harsh lights. You catch her eye and she shoots you a smile, as quick and bright as the sun glinting off a metal roof before it disappears behind her usual bleak expression. She jogs over to you. "What are you doing here, [Name]?" She brings up the time on her holopalm, and her eyes go wide. "Oh, shit, were we supposed to eat lunch together today? I'm sorry!"
"It's okay, you were busy."
If Anemone is dating Vace:
"Yeah, but that's no excuse," Anemone replies, seriously. "I shoulda been more aware." Anemone grabs her water bottle and drinks from it, then pours the rest over her head and flicks the water through her shaved side. "We can still go get some chow, if you want," she says. "Just give me a sec." Anemone pulls an oversized sportsball sweater over her workout clothes, her thumbs popping through the holes worn into the cuffs. The lettering on the back reads KOMBUCHA. As you exit the garrison, you're stopped by a few of the other soldiers who all seem to want to give Anemone a high-five or tell her about their days. Even though she's clearly exhausted, she musters up a few heartening words for each of them. "They all know I'm datin' Vace," she says, apologetically, when you finally emerge into the sunlight. "It's... weird. All of a sudden, I'm like... a hero to them, too. And I haven't even done anythin' yet." "I train every day, though. Probably like... six or eight hours?" she says, rubbing at her shoulder and stretching it out as she walks. "It feels good to work hard. Like, it just... wipes out all the bad thoughts. Anything that's bothering me..." She makes an exploding motion with one hand. "It just goes away. Poof." "I can't afford to lose my focus," Anemone says, solemnly. "I can't let myself get distracted; if I do that, and someone dies because of it? Null it, man," she says, shaking her head, "the thought of it? It keeps me up at night. Sometimes I just get up and run around the colony until I'm too tired to stand. No one else is gonna die on my watch." "You understand, right?" she asks, turning to you. "You work harder than anyone. How do you do it? What are you fighting for, [Name]?"
"For the future of the colony." (Anemone +1)
Anemone nods in agreement. "Me too," she says. "When it comes down to it, that's all that matters." [Ends event]
"Being the best is all I care about."
Anemone stops in her tracks, considering this. "I guess... it sounds selfish, but isn't everyone's motivation that kinda selfish? We just want good things," she says, after a while. "At least you're honest about it, unlike some people." [Ends event]
"Because there's no other choice."
Anemone considers this. "Yeah... ain't that the truth," she replies, scuffing her foot in the dirt. "People should be able to just... live their lives. We shouldn't have to fight so hard just to survive, but here we are." She runs her fingers over the knobbly scales of her jaw. "I wonder... what I would have done, if I didn't have to defend the colony against a bunch of dumb aliens. I... probably shouldn't think about that. What matters is that this is what I have to do." She nods to herself. "What we both have to do." [Ends event]
"I'm... just trying to get through it."
Anemone nods in solidarity. "I know how that feels." She claps you on the shoulder. "I know what it's like to not want to think about the future... about why we're here. Joining the defense force gave me a purpose. I get up every morning and I think, today I'm going to be better than yesterday. I'm ready." Her mouth twitches into a smile before it fades again. "I know it's hard. But as long as I'm alive, you got me. I'm here for you." [Ends event]
If Anemone is not dating Vace:
"Yeah, but that's no excuse," Anemone replies, seriously. "I shoulda been more aware." Anemone grabs her water bottle and drinks from it, then pours the rest over her head and flicks the water through her shaved side. "We can still go get some chow, if you want," she says. "Just give me a sec." Anemone pulls an oversized sportsball sweater over her workout clothes, her thumbs popping through the holes worn into the cuffs. The lettering on the back reads KOMBUCHA. As you exit the garrison, you're stopped by a few of the other soldiers who all seem to want to give Anemone a high-five or tell her about their days. Even though she's clearly exhausted, she musters up a few heartening words for each of them. "I thought that would stop after Vace broke up with me," she says, apologetically, when you finally emerge into the sunlight. "But, it didn't. Everyone was real happy for me, which is... weird. It's not like _I've_ done anythin' special." "I train every day, though. Probably like... six or eight hours?" she says, rubbing at her shoulder and stretching it out as she walks. "It feels good to work hard. Like, it just... wipes out all the bad thoughts. Anything that's bothering me..." She makes an exploding motion with one hand. "It just goes away. Poof." "I can't afford to lose my focus," Anemone says, solemnly. "I can't let myself get distracted; if I do that, and someone dies because of it? Null it, man," she says, shaking her head, "the thought of it? It keeps me up at night. Sometimes I just get up and run around the colony until I'm too tired to stand. No one else is gonna die on my watch." "You understand, right?" she asks, turning to you. "You work harder than anyone. How do you do it? What are you fighting for, [Name]?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
"You clearly had something better to do."
If Anemone is dating Vace:
"Don't be a dick," Anemone mumbles. "I didn't mean to, alright?" Anemone grabs her water bottle and drinks from it, then pours the rest over her head and flicks the water through her shaved side. "We can still go get some chow, if you want," she says. "Just give me a sec." Anemone pulls an oversized sportsball sweater over her workout clothes, her thumbs popping through the holes worn into the cuffs. The lettering on the back reads KOMBUCHA. As you exit the garrison, you're stopped by a few of the other soldiers who all seem to want to give Anemone a high-five or tell her about their days. Even though she's clearly exhausted, she musters up a few heartening words for each of them. "They all know I'm datin' Vace," she says, apologetically, when you finally emerge into the sunlight. "It's... weird. All of a sudden, I'm like... a hero to them, too. And I haven't even done anythin' yet." "I train every day, though. Probably like... six or eight hours?" she says, rubbing at her shoulder and stretching it out as she walks. "It feels good to work hard. Like, it just... wipes out all the bad thoughts. Anything that's bothering me..." She makes an exploding motion with one hand. "It just goes away. Poof." "I can't afford to lose my focus," Anemone says, solemnly. "I can't let myself get distracted; if I do that, and someone dies because of it? Null it, man," she says, shaking her head, "the thought of it? It keeps me up at night. Sometimes I just get up and run around the colony until I'm too tired to stand. No one else is gonna die on my watch." "You understand, right?" she asks, turning to you. "You work harder than anyone. How do you do it? What are you fighting for, [Name]?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
If Anemone is not dating Vace:
"Don't be a dick," Anemone mumbles. "I didn't mean to, alright?" Anemone grabs her water bottle and drinks from it, then pours the rest over her head and flicks the water through her shaved side. "We can still go get some chow, if you want," she says. "Just give me a sec." Anemone pulls an oversized sportsball sweater over her workout clothes, her thumbs popping through the holes worn into the cuffs. The lettering on the back reads KOMBUCHA. As you exit the garrison, you're stopped by a few of the other soldiers who all seem to want to give Anemone a high-five or tell her about their days. Even though she's clearly exhausted, she musters up a few heartening words for each of them. "I thought that would stop after Vace broke up with me," she says, apologetically, when you finally emerge into the sunlight. "But, it didn't. Everyone was real happy for me, which is... weird. It's not like _I've_ done anythin' special." "I train every day, though. Probably like... six or eight hours?" she says, rubbing at her shoulder and stretching it out as she walks. "It feels good to work hard. Like, it just... wipes out all the bad thoughts. Anything that's bothering me..." She makes an exploding motion with one hand. "It just goes away. Poof." "I can't afford to lose my focus," Anemone says, solemnly. "I can't let myself get distracted; if I do that, and someone dies because of it? Null it, man," she says, shaking her head, "the thought of it? It keeps me up at night. Sometimes I just get up and run around the colony until I'm too tired to stand. No one else is gonna die on my watch." "You understand, right?" she asks, turning to you. "You work harder than anyone. How do you do it? What are you fighting for, [Name]?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
[Flirt] "You look... incredible today."
If Anemone is dating Vace:
You gulp and give her a long, teasing gaze. Anemone goes red and puts her hand over your mouth. "Sssh, don't say stuff like that!" she hisses. "I didn't know you were watching! You're gonna get me in trouble with Vace!" Anemone grabs her water bottle and drinks from it, then pours the rest over her head and flicks the water through her shaved side. "We can still go get some chow, if you want," she says. "Just give me a sec." Anemone pulls an oversized sportsball sweater over her workout clothes, her thumbs popping through the holes worn into the cuffs. The lettering on the back reads KOMBUCHA. As you exit the garrison, you're stopped by a few of the other soldiers who all seem to want to give Anemone a high-five or tell her about their days. Even though she's clearly exhausted, she musters up a few heartening words for each of them. "They all know I'm datin' Vace," she says, apologetically, when you finally emerge into the sunlight. "It's... weird. All of a sudden, I'm like... a hero to them, too. And I haven't even done anythin' yet." "I train every day, though. Probably like... six or eight hours?" she says, rubbing at her shoulder and stretching it out as she walks. "It feels good to work hard. Like, it just... wipes out all the bad thoughts. Anything that's bothering me..." She makes an exploding motion with one hand. "It just goes away. Poof." "I can't afford to lose my focus," Anemone says, solemnly. "I can't let myself get distracted; if I do that, and someone dies because of it? Null it, man," she says, shaking her head, "the thought of it? It keeps me up at night. Sometimes I just get up and run around the colony until I'm too tired to stand. No one else is gonna die on my watch." "You understand, right?" she asks, turning to you. "You work harder than anyone. How do you do it? What are you fighting for, [Name]?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
If Anemone is not dating Vace:
You gulp and give her a long, teasing gaze. Anemone flushes and rubs her chin. "O-oh, yeah?" she says. "All this training is good for something, I guess!" Anemone grabs her water bottle and drinks from it, then pours the rest over her head and flicks the water through her shaved side. "We can still go get some chow, if you want," she says. "Just give me a sec." Anemone pulls an oversized sportsball sweater over her workout clothes, her thumbs popping through the holes worn into the cuffs. The lettering on the back reads KOMBUCHA. As you exit the garrison, you're stopped by a few of the other soldiers who all seem to want to give Anemone a high-five or tell her about their days. Even though she's clearly exhausted, she musters up a few heartening words for each of them. "I thought that would stop after Vace broke up with me," she says, apologetically, when you finally emerge into the sunlight. "But, it didn't. Everyone was real happy for me, which is... weird. It's not like _I've_ done anythin' special." "I train every day, though. Probably like... six or eight hours?" she says, rubbing at her shoulder and stretching it out as she walks. "It feels good to work hard. Like, it just... wipes out all the bad thoughts. Anything that's bothering me..." She makes an exploding motion with one hand. "It just goes away. Poof." "I can't afford to lose my focus," Anemone says, solemnly. "I can't let myself get distracted; if I do that, and someone dies because of it? Null it, man," she says, shaking her head, "the thought of it? It keeps me up at night. Sometimes I just get up and run around the colony until I'm too tired to stand. No one else is gonna die on my watch." "You understand, right?" she asks, turning to you. "You work harder than anyone. How do you do it? What are you fighting for, [Name]?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Relationship 90
Requirements: Year 17 or later; may have additional requirements (code unclear)
Can unlock the Matchbreaker achievement under certain circumstances.
Something's off with Anemone today. You can tell just from watching her train that she's moving more slowly and seems distracted. Every so often, she breaks form to stare at Vace, who's working with a group of trainees on the other side of the garrison. Her unit leader singles her out and chastises her, gesturing for her to take a break and get her head on straight. Anemone scowls as she slinks over to the rest area, where you hand her a water bottle. "Hey, you," she says, shooting you a little flicker of a smile as she takes a drink.
"What's up?"
If Anemone and Vace are still together:
If your relationship with Vace is less than 50:
"Vace isn't talking to me," Anemone replies, sighing heavily as she recaps her water bottle. "It's been two days and he just... acts like I'm not even here. I've tried to talk to him and he just says he 'needs time to think'." "We got into it about how much time you and I spend together. He thinks you like-like me and I told him it's not like that, we're just friends, but..." Anemone exhales noisily and scrubs her heel of her palm into her eyes. "Maybe the problem is just that he doesn't know you that well," she says. "He doesn't trust you around me, that's all."
[Flirt] "Vace is right not to trust me."
You tell Anemone that you like her, as more than a friend. You have feelings you want to share... Anemone goes completely still as the color drains from her cheeks. Her eyes dart over to Vace on the other side of the room. "Please don't say stuff like that, [Name]," she mutters. "You're only going to make it worse for me."
"You deserve better."
"I can't talk about this here," Anemone says, taking a few steps away from you. "Please don't do this to me. I'm with Vace, [Name]. That's just the way it is. If you're really my friend, you gotta understand that." Her eyes dart back over to Vace. "I know he's kinda rough around the edges, but he's a good guy underneath, I promise. He only gets mean about stuff because he cares so much about keeping everyone safe." [Ends event]
"Vace is an asshole, and I have proof."
[Continues at the Breaking up Anemone and Vace section below]
"Okay. I'm sorry."
Anemone nods. "Okay, just. You gotta know. I'm with Vace, okay? If you're really my friend, you gotta understand that." Her eyes dart back over to Vace. "I know he's kinda rough around the edges, but he's a good guy underneath, I promise. He only gets mean about stuff because he cares so much about keeping everyone safe." [Ends event]
"Do you want me to talk to him?"
"Oh! Um..." Anemone stutters, genuinely surprised. "You don't have to do that! I mean, you can, if it comes up, but..." She crosses her arms and picks at the scales on her elbows. "Please don't just storm off and talk to him, okay? If he knows that I talked to you about it..." She blinks and shakes her head, as if shaking off a bad thought. "You know what? Never mind, okay? It's nothing. I'm sure he'll come back around eventually. You 'n me, we're just friends, right?"
[Flirt] "But I want to be more."
[Same choices and dialogue as though you chose "Vace is right not to trust me."]
"He's not worth it, Anemone."
[Continues at the Breaking up Anemone and Vace section below]
"Vace just needs some time."
Anemone looks down. "Yeah... I hope so. Thanks [Name]." [Ends event]
"You must have done something wrong."
If he suspects she's cheating, it must be because she did something to make him think she was. Anemone nods and looks at the floor. "That's what he said," she responds, quietly. "I guess I talk about you too much, or something. I tried to tell him that it's not like that, and you 'n me are just friends, but..." She sighs. "It's my fault," she says. "I just wish he'd let me apologize..."
[Flirt] "Vace is right not to trust me."
[Same choices and dialogue as though you chose this in the first place]
"Vace just needs some time."
Anemone looks down. "Yeah... I hope so. Thanks [Name]." [Ends event]
"He's a scumbag, Anemone."
[Continues at the Breaking up Anemone and Vace section below]
If your relationship with Vace is 50 or greater:
"Vace isn't talking to me," Anemone replies, sighing heavily as she recaps her water bottle. "It's been two days and he just... acts like I'm not even here. I've tried to talk to him and he just says he 'needs time to think'." "We got into it about how much time you and I spend together. He thinks you like-like me and I told him it's not like that, we're just friends, but..." Anemone exhales noisily and scrubs her heel of her palm into her eyes. "Maybe the problem is that you're so alike," she says. "If I love him, then what's to say I wouldn't feel the same about you? He has a reason not to trust us."
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
Breaking up Anemone and Vace: (Unlocks the Matchbreaker achievement if successful; all successful options add 1 to the counter that determines whether or not you fight Vace)
Requires either "Vace is an asshole, and I have proof.", "He's not worth it, Anemone.", or "He's a scumbag, Anemone." choices above.
Anemone's head whips towards you, shocked. "Wh-what? How could you say that, [Name]?! Yeah, I know how he gets sometimes, but he's still my boyfriend!"
Present evidence of Vace calling her names. [Requires telling Vace that you love Anemone in his relationship 90 event, then telling him you'll treat her better.] (Results in Anemone breaking up with Vace)
You tell Anemone about the way Vace talks about her when she's not around. "I can't believe it..." she says, when you're done. "He's never like that with me. He's always so sweet... well, unless he's mad at me, then he's just kinda quiet, and..." Anemone wipes her eyes. "I don't know what to think," she says. "I'll talk to him about it and see what he says. He deserves a chance to explain himself, but..." Her gaze darts back over to Vace. "I don't know if he'll be able to." She gives you a quick hug. "Thank you for talking to me about this, [Name]. You're my best friend on the whole planet." [Ends event]
Present evidence of Vace propositioning you. [Requires telling Vace you love him, then refusing him during his relationship 90 event] (Results in Anemone breaking up with Vace)
You tell Anemone about how Vace told you that you could be his 'side-piece' while he's still dating Anemone. Her eyes are full of tears when you're done. "Why would you... why would he...? It's... he's never said anything about being unhappy with me..." She sniffles. "Y-you didn't do it, right?" You assure her that you didn't. Anemone wipes her eyes. "I don't know what to think," she says. "I'll talk to him about it and see what he says. He deserves a chance to explain himself, but..." Her gaze darts back over to Vace. "I don't know if he'll be able to." She gives you a quick hug. "Thank you for talking to me about this, [Name]. You're my best friend on the whole planet." [Ends event]
Present evidence of his cruelty to others. [Requires at least one of the following: refusing to do Vace's homework in his relationship 30 event; allowing him to kill the dorbsmoth in is relationship 60 event; seeing his relationship 80 event; or getting in a fight with Vace (by doing 3 or more events that contribute to this)] (Results in Anemone breaking up with Vace)
You tell Anemone about how you've seen Vace take out his anger on the defenseless. She listens in horror. "I... I didn't know," she says, when you're done. "He's never like that with me. He's always so sweet..." Her face goes pale. "Well, unless he's mad at me... what if he gets mad at me like that, [Name]?" Anemone wipes her eyes. "I don't know what to think," she says. "I'll talk to him about it and see what he says. He deserves a chance to explain himself, but..." Her gaze darts back over to Vace. "I don't know if he'll be able to." She gives you a quick hug. "Thank you for talking to me about this, [Name]. You're my best friend on the whole planet." [Ends event]
"The way he treats you isn't healthy." [Requires Persuasion or Empathy to be 30 or higher] (Results in Anemone breaking up with Vace)
Anemone's eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean, [Name]?"
"Do you like when he accuses you?"
Anemone frowns. "No, obviously. What does that have to do with anything?"
"The problem isn't you, it's him."
You tell her she shouldn't have to constantly prove herself to Vace. "I've... never thought of it that way," Anemone replies. "It's like... we have this argument all the time... he gets mad because he thinks I was talking to someone too long, or because I said something that set him off."
"And when you talk to him about it?"
"Well... he gets really upset that I'm upset with him, and then I have to apologize and reassure him I love him, and it's always this whole thing..." She sighs. "I'm just so tired of it, you know? I don't know what else to do. I don't know if there's anything else I can do." Anemone wipes her eyes. "I don't know what to think," she says. "I'll talk to him about it and see what he says. He deserves a chance to explain himself, but..." Her gaze darts back over to Vace. "I don't know if he'll be able to." She gives you a quick hug. "Thank you for talking to me about this, [Name]. You're my best friend on the whole planet." [Ends event]
"I just think he's not right for you." (Anemone -1)
"That's it?" Anemone says, incredulously. "He's not right for me? What do you know, [Name]? You're... you're just jealous of what we have." "I know he's kinda rough around the edges," she admits, "but he's a good guy underneath, I promise. He only gets mean about stuff because he cares so much about keeping everyone safe." [Ends event; does not break up Vace and Anemone; does not unlock the achievement]
If Vace broke up with Anemone already, and you are not dating him:
Anemone sighs heavily as she recaps her water bottle. "Do you think he thinks about me, like, at all?" she answers, jerking her chin towards Vace. "I mean, yeah, I know we fought all the time and he was awful, but... I miss him."
"I just don't know what to do," Anemone says. "Why can't I just move on?"
"You'll find someone else soon."
Anemone laughs, humorlessly. "Plenty of stars in the sky, huh?"
[Flirt] "Some stars are right here in front of you."
Anemone startles, almost dropping her water bottle. "Whaaa-? Come on, [Name], don't be weird," she says, blushing furiously. "That was so cheesy!" She bounces on her feet, suddenly brimming with nervous energy. "I'm just," she barks, "I'm just! Gonna go back to training now! Bye!" [Ends event]
Leave. [Ends event]
"Vace was an abusive bastard!"
Anemone nods, looking down at the ground. "I know," she says, quietly. "He's awful. He made me feel worthless, like I was lucky that a guy like him was even interested in me. I should have realized sooner, but... I was so scared to lose him, I didn't even realize." "Even now, I still think about him and want him to be proud of me. It's messed up," she says, and wipes her eyes. "This isn't how I imagined love would feel like."
[Flirt] "My love for you doesn't feel like that."
Anemone startles, almost dropping her water bottle. "Whaaa-? Come on, [Name], don't be weird," she says, blushing furiously. "That was so cheesy!" She bounces on her feet, suddenly brimming with nervous energy. "I'm just," she barks, "I'm just! Gonna go back to training now! Bye!" Anemone starts jogging away, then stops and comes back to give you a quick hug. "Love you too, friendo," she says, then scampers away. [Ends event]
Leave. [Ends event]
"You two were terrible together!"
[Same dialogue and choices as Vace was an abusive bastard!]
"Toughen up, soldier."
Anemone sniffs, once, then nods with determination. "You're right," she says. "That's what everyone else is saying, too. And I'm trying!" She spares one more look over at Vace, who's stopped and is looking over at you. She frowns and looks back at you. "The heart's a muscle, right? I just gotta get stronger." [Ends event]
If Vace cheated on Anemone with you, or if he broke up with her and you started dating him:
Anemone sighs heavily as she recaps her water bottle. "I'm sure you can figure it out," she answers, curtly. She rubs her eyes with the heel of her hand. "Sorry, that was rude, but," she continues, frowning, "I'm still just... so pissed that you and Vace hooked up. I can't get over it. I'm trying, because I still wanna be your friend, but... it's so hard." "He's a goddamn jerk and I hate him, but... I still miss him." "I just don't know what to do," Anemone says. "Why can't I just move on?"
"You'll find someone else soon."
Anemone laughs, humorlessly. "Plenty of stars in the sky, huh?" "It's easy for you to say," she sighs. "You can have anyone you want. The rest of us get what's left." She looks down at the ground, refusing to meet your eye. "I hope you're happy... because I'm not."
[Flirt] "Some stars are right here in front of you."
Anemone startles, almost dropping her water bottle. "Whaaa-? Come on, [Name], don't be weird," she says, blushing furiously. "That was so cheesy!" She bounces on her feet, suddenly brimming with nervous energy. "I'm just," she barks, "I'm just! Gonna go back to training now! Bye!" [Ends event]
Leave. [Ends event]
"Vace was an abusive bastard!"
Anemone squints. "Wait, like, I'm not gonna argue, but... hello, you're dating him? What's up with that?" Her voice rises. "Even though you know how he treated me? You're just... okay with that?"
"Yeah, but I'm stronger than you."
Anemone stares at you in outrage, trying and failing to form words. "Wh- how dare you!" she exclaims. "After everything he did, everything he put me through?! Go to hell, [Name]! You deserve each other!" She slams into your shoulder as she stomps away, pushing you aside. [Ends event]
"He's not like that with me."
Anemone looks at you with doubt and pity in her eyes. "I didn't think he was going to be like that, either," she says, putting her hands on your shoulders. "Please, [Name], just be careful, okay? He might be hot and charming, but... it's just an act." "If you ever need to talk to me about it, or if you need somewhere to go to get away from him, or if you need backup, just call me. Day or night." [Ends event]
"You two were terrible together!"
[Same dialogue and choices as Vace was an abusive bastard!]
"Toughen up, soldier."
Anemone sniffs, once, then nods with determination. "You're right," she says. "That's what everyone else is saying, too. And I'm trying!" She spares one more look over at Vace, who's stopped and is looking over at you. She frowns and looks back at you. "The heart's a muscle, right? I just gotta get stronger." [Ends event]
Relationship 100
Requirements: Year 17 or later; causing Vace to cheat on Anemone with you prevents you from experiencing this event
Unlocks Anemone's Loyalty III card and the Anemone's Loyalty achievement
You go to the garrison looking for Anemone but she finds you first, pouncing on you and wrapping her arm around your shoulders. "Buddy! Friend-o! Pal!" she exclaims.
She leans in close, smiling wide with barely contained energy. "If I don't do somethin' a little wild, I'm gonna go bonkers," she says, so only you can hear. "Everyone's so stressed out and I feel like..."
She inhales and bites her lip. "I feel like I gotta do something extreme. Like I wanna strip naked and climb to the top of the colony and scream until someone makes me stop. Like I got bugs in my brain."
"So I got an idea," she continues, "and I need you to come with me so I don't coward out."
Anemone leads you by the hand down one of the lesser-used hallways of the garrison until you come to a small room. Inside are two barber chairs, and a table next to some dangerous-looking but delicate machinery. A stout woman with a buzzcut looks up from reading something on her holopad.
"What's up, Anemone? Need that side shave freshened up already?"
Anemone shakes her head and grips your hand tight. "No, I... I want a tattoo," she says. "Can you do that?"
The woman gestures to dismiss her holopad and pulls out a thick book from behind the counter. You and Anemone crowd around it, marveling at the sight of real paper as it falls open to display a selection of tattoo designs.
"Used to be the only thing I'd do here is buzzcuts and military tattoos, and hair dye for that Nomi kid," the woman says, "but since we landed here, you haven't been the only person who's come looking for something a little more artistic." She smiles. "Take a look through this and see what I can do."
You and Anemone flip through the pages reverently. "I was thinkin'..." she says quietly, running her fingers over a circlet of thorns, "I want something to remind me that Vertumna is my home, and everyone here's my people. To remind me why I fight."
She shoots you a smile, uncharacteristically shy. "I want something to link me to you," she says, looking away as her cheeks turn red. "Outta everyone here... you're the person who means the most to me."
Her eyes go wide. "Nah, wait! We should get matching tattoos!" she exclaims. "Come on! What do you think?"
"Yes, of course!"
"Hell yeah!" Anemone says, pumping her fist. "What should we get?" The book of tattoo designs lays before you. What do you want to get? (All choices allow you to choose again before confirming)
The Stratospheric logo surrounded by knives.
"Yeah, let's do it!" (Sets your tattoo to Strato)
You sit down in the tattoo chair and bare your right arm. The tattoo-artist-slash-barber transfers the design onto your skin and fires up the machine, which buzzes alarmingly. You and Anemone look at it, wide-eyed. "I guess you kids've never seen Earth tech, huh?" she says, preparing the gun. "Tattooing's one of the oldest human arts, so there's not too much holograms and replicators can improve on it. The stuff I do here, it reminds us that even when we're out here among the stars, we're still just meat with thoughts."
Tough your way through it. (Requires Toughness 31 or higher)
It smarts a bit when the tattoo artist presses the needle to your skin and begins her work, but you're pretty tough. Anemone looks a little green as blood wells up around the needle, and grabs your hand.
"This is so cool," she breathes, as the design begins to bloom on your skin. It takes about an hour for the tattoo artist to get down the bold first strokes of your tattoo. Anemone holds your hand the whole time. When the artist steps away to stretch, Anemone leans in and gasps.
"It looks sooooooooooooooo awesome," Anemone says. "This is the coolest thing we've ever done. This is galactic."
She looks up at you. "I meant what I said," she says, her voice a little wet. "You're my best friend on this whole rock. You've... you've always been here for me. And I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Thick and thin."
Anemone sniffles, then looks embarrassed. "Man! It's dusty in here."
The tattoo artist returns and finishes up your tattoo, then moves on to Anemone. She takes it bravely, though she sometimes squeezes your hand so hard it almost hurts.
Afterwards, you go back to your room to decompress and admire your bravery. Anemone flops onto your bed and you climb on after her, careful of your aching arm and your newly-wrapped tattoos.
"I can't believe we did that!" she crows, kicking her legs in the air. "That was so awesome!"
She turns to you and pushes her unruly hair over her shoulder. "Thank you for coming with me," she says, seriously. "I probably wouldn't have done it if you weren't there, and then I probably would have done something reckless." She laughs, brash and unashamed. "Well, even more reckless!"
[Flirt] "I'd do anything for you."
If Anemone is dating Vace:
Anemone goes quiet. "I..." she starts, then looks away. Her body is tense. "I know you probably don't like him, but I'm dating Vace. He's a hard guy to love, but when you get to know him... he's not that bad." She smiles sadly. "I wish you'd stop saying things to make him mad at me." [Ends event]
If you are dating Anemone:
Anemone blushes and pulls you into an embrace. "Oh [Name]... " [Ends event]
If Anemone is not dating you or Vace:
Anemone blushes and hides her face in her hands. "[Name]!" she exclaims. "Don't make it weird!" [Ends event]
"Of course. We're best friends."
Anemone smiles toothily at you. "We sure are." [Ends event]
This is really going to hurt...
YEOUCH! It hurts a lot when the tattoo artist presses the needle to your skin and begins her work. You yelp, and Anemone laughs as she grabs your hand to steady you.
"This is so cool," she breathes, as the design begins to bloom on your skin. It takes about an hour for the tattoo artist to get down the bold first strokes of your tattoo. Anemone holds your hand the whole time. When the artist steps away to stretch, Anemone leans in and gasps.
"It looks sooooooooooooooo awesome," Anemone says. "This is the coolest thing we've ever done. This is galactic."
She looks up at you. "I meant what I said," she says, her voice a little wet. "You're my best friend on this whole rock. You've... you've always been here for me. And I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Thick and thin."
Anemone sniffles, then looks embarrassed. "Man! It's dusty in here."
The tattoo artist returns and finishes up your tattoo, then moves on to Anemone. She takes it bravely, though she sometimes squeezes your hand so hard it almost hurts.
Afterwards, you go back to your room to decompress and admire your bravery. Anemone flops onto your bed and you climb on after her, careful of your aching arm and your newly-wrapped tattoos.
"I can't believe we did that!" she crows, kicking her legs in the air. "That was so awesome!"
She turns to you and pushes her unruly hair over her shoulder. "Thank you for coming with me," she says, seriously. "I probably wouldn't have done it if you weren't there, and then I probably would have done something reckless." She laughs, brash and unashamed. "Well, even more reckless!"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
"No, something else..." (Allows you to choose another option)
Each other's names.
"Whoa," Anemone breathes. "That's hardcore. I mean, yeah, shit yeah, obviously I wanna go into battle with your name on me!"
"Yes!" (Sets your tattoo to Name)
[Same choices and dialogue as confirming The Stratospheric logo surrounded by knives choice]
"No, something else..." (Allows you to choose another option)
Mushrooms growing out of a human skull.
The tattoo artist nods. "That style of art used to be called memento mori. It reminds the wearer to stay humble, because death is inevitable. Is that what you want?" Anemone nods at you excitedly.
"Yes!" (Sets your tattoo to Skull)
[Same choices and dialogue as confirming The Stratospheric logo surrounded by knives choice]
"No, something else..." (Allows you to choose another option)
Suns to represent the twin suns of Vertumna.
Anemone slams her hands down on the book of designs. "Yeah! Hell yeah!" she crows. "That's perfect! Let's do it!"
"Yeah!" (Sets your tattoo to Sun)
[Same choices and dialogue as confirming The Stratospheric logo surrounded by knives choice]
"No, actually, something else..." (Allows you to choose another option)
A sword and shield.
"Whoa!" Anemone reacts. "Just like knights?! That's soddin' awesome! Do you wanna be the sword or the shield?"
"I'll take the sword." (Sets your tattoo to Sword)
[Same choices and dialogue as confirming The Stratospheric logo surrounded by knives choice]
"The shield." (Sets your tattoo to Shield)
[Same choices and dialogue as confirming The Stratospheric logo surrounded by knives choice]
"Actually, never mind." (Allows you to choose another option)
"What would Vace think about that?" [Only available if Anemone is dating Vace]
Anemone presses her lips together. "Well... he'll probably be upset I didn't ask him, but..." She takes your hand in hers and gives it a squeeze. "He'll just have to be mad about it. You're my best friend, no matter what he says."
[Same choices and dialogue as though you chose "Yes, of course!"]
"I don't want a tattoo."
Anemone is quiet for a few seconds, visibly losing her momentum. "Oh," she says, eventually, "well, that's okay. It's your body."
She brightens. "You can hold my hand, though!"
Anemone flips through the book of designs, and eventually chooses what looks like a unisaur skull with red and yellow flames coming out of the eye sockets. "It's badass, right?" she asks, proud of herself.
It's something, all right!
She sits down in the tattoo chair and bares her right arm. The tattoo-artist-slash-barber transfers the design onto her skin and fires up the machine, which buzzes alarmingly. You and Anemone look at it, wide-eyed.
"I guess you kids've never seen Earth tech, huh?" she says, preparing the gun. "Tattooing's one of the oldest human arts, so there's not too much holograms and replicators can improve on it. The stuff I do here, it reminds us that even when we're out here among the stars, we're still just meat with thoughts."
It takes about an hour for the tattoo artist to get down the bold first strokes of Anemone's tattoo. Anemone holds your hand the whole time, squeezing it when the pain gets too much, but she doesn't complain. When the artist steps away to stretch, Anemone leans in and gasps.
"It looks sooooooooooooooo awesome," Anemone says. "This is the coolest thing I've ever done. This is galactic."
She looks up at you. "I meant what I said," she says, her voice a little wet. "You're my best friend on this whole rock. You've... you've always been here for me. And I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Thick and thin."
Anemone sniffles, then looks embarrassed. "Man! It's dusty in here."
Afterwards, you go back to your room to decompress and admire Anemone's bravery. She flops onto your bed and you climb on after her, careful of her newly-wrapped tattoo.
"I can't believe we did that!" she crows, kicking her legs in the air. "That was so awesome!"
She turns to you and pushes her unruly hair over her shoulder. "Thank you for coming with me," she says, seriously. "I probably wouldn't have done it if you weren't there, and then I probably would have done something reckless." She laughs, brash and unashamed. "Well, even more reckless!"
[Same choices and dialogue as though you got a tattoo with her]

Unique Events[]

This section includes dialogue for events that have specific requirements outside of only relationship or skill.

If Tammy has died last month (Idle dialogue):
  • Anemone is chucking rocks at the Strato, sending metallic clangs ringing through the colony. "Stupid planet!" she yells. "Stupid creche! Stupid spaceship!" She bends down to pick up another rock, but instead just sobs and braces her hands on her knees. "Stupid everything! Why'd she hafta die! It's not fair! Kids aren't supposed to die!"
  • Anemone is unusually still today. She's sitting in the dugout of the sportsball pitch, fiddling with an ugly doll with red hair. "Tammy gave me this," she sighs. "I kinda told her to shove off 'cause I don't play with dolls. Why'd I hafta be so mean to her?"
  • "I... I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel about what happened to Tammy." Anemone sighs, rolling a sportsball around with one foot. "It just doesn't feel real. How long 'till it feels real?"
If Flulu has died last month (Idle dialogue):
  • Anemone picks at her facial scales. "I can't believe your mom's gone..." she says. "She was like... super tough. So much cooler than my mom."
If Geranium has died last month (Idle dialogue):
  • Anemone nods at you as you approach. "Sorry about your dad," she says, with a sympathetic but... slightly distant smile. "He was cool."
If you are mourning for a reason not listed above (Idle dialogue):
  • Anemone looks uncomfortable. "...sorry," she mumbles. "I don't really know what to say..."
If you convince Vace to break up with Anemone:
You're headed to the garrison to talk to Anemone, but you spot her iconic mane of red hair before you even enter. She's around the side of the building, pacing fretfully. She looks up at you as you approach, and pulls her fingernails from her mouth. Her cuticles are a wreck - poor Anemone, that's going to grow scales. "O-oh, hey, [Name]," she says, "I'm just... getting some fresh air before I head down there, y'know!"
"Uh huh..."
Anemone shoots you a hopeful smile, like she expects you to drop it. When you don't, her shoulders slump. "Vace dumped me," she says, scuffing her foot in the dirt. "I don't wanna go inside 'cause like... it's his space, you know?"
"That sucks."
"Yeah," Anemone huffs. "So I'm just... gathering my strength, you know?" She puts on a brave smile. "Don't worry about me, [Name]. I'll be fine." [Ends event]
"It's for the best, honestly."
Anemone lets out a humorless laugh. "Yeah... I've heard that from some other people. Doesn't feel like it, though." She puts on a brave smile. "Don't worry about me, [Name]. I'll be fine." [Ends event]
"What's wrong, Anemone?"
Anemone's shoulders slump as she sighs. "It just... it's super turbo sucky, all right?" "Vace dumped me," she says, scuffing her foot in the dirt. "I don't wanna go inside 'cause like... it's his space, you know?"
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
If Vace cheats on Anemone with you:
(All options result in Anemone's Relationship being reset to 0)
You're walking past the garrison when Anemone's voice rings over the usual din of people training. "You... asshole!" You turn to find Anemone storming up to you, incandescent with fury. She squares up, getting right in your face. "I thought we were friends!" she spits. "You backstabbing son of a bitch!" A few people nearby turn their heads to look, but Anemone either doesn't notice, or doesn't care. "You want Vace?!" she roars. "Fine! You can have him! I hope you're bloody happy together!"
"Wait, it's not like that..."
"See if I care!" Anemone replies, angrily blinking back tears. "I don't want to see either of you ever again! We're done!" [Ends event]
"You guys were a disaster anyway."
"At least I'm not a cheating piece of shit like you," Anemone replies, angrily blinking back tears. "I don't want to see either of you ever again!" [Ends event]
If you have seen Anemone's Relationship 90 event, but Anemone and Vace are still dating:
[Only available if you have not picked this option before]
"Can we talk about you and Vace?"
Anemone's eyes dart around, as if looking for someone, before she gives you a strained smile. "What about him?"
"You guys are a cute couple." (This toggles an option in the code to indicate that you support Anemone and Vace's relationship)
If your relationship with Vace is under 60:
Anemone [sic] expression is hard to understand. "Oh, thanks, [Name]!" she says, picking at a patch of scales on her elbow. "Yeah, he's really cool. I can't believe he likes someone like me." [Ends event]
If your relationship with Vace is 60 or higher:
Anemone [sic] expression is hard to understand. "Oh, thanks, [Name]!" she says, picking at a patch of scales on her elbow. "He really likes you, too." [Ends event]
"He's a trashbag in a man suit."
If you've already tried to convince Anemone to break up with Vace:
"This again?" Anemone groans. "You have to give it up, [Name]. What is it this time?"
[Continues at the Breaking up Anemone and Vace section under her Relationship 90 event]
If you've already tried to convince Anemone to break up with Vace:
Anemone's head whips towards you, shocked. "Wh-what? How could you say that, [Name]?! Yeah, I know how he gets sometimes, but he's still my boyfriend!"
[Continues at the Breaking up Anemone and Vace section under her Relationship 90 event]


This section includes major romance interactions with Anemone.

Requirements: Year 17 or later; having chosen a [Flirt] option with Anemone at least once before; Anemone is not dating Vace; and you are not in a monogamous relationship (dating Cal, Dys, Nomi, Tammy, Tangent, or Vace)
[Flirt] "I have something to confess..."
Anemone looks around and grimaces as she sees Vace staring at the two of you talking. "Sure," she says, "but let's go somewhere else." She leads you to the walls, one of the few places to have a private conversation in the colony. The wind whipping in across the firebreak blows her hair across her face. "What did you want to talk about, [Name]?"
"I... I'm in love with you."
Anemone stares at you blankly for a long time, her face growing steadily more red. She laughs, uncomfortably. "C-come on, [Name], that's... don't tease me."
"I'm not teasing!"
She crosses her arms and takes a few steps away, looking out at the wilderness. "Well, y-you're wrong, then," she says. "Y-you're just sorry for me, or something." Anemone scowls. "I'm not a weakling, [Name]. I can take care of myself... I don't need you, o-or Vace, or... anyone."
"I really do like you. Promise."
Anemone goes silent again, refusing to answer, or even to look at you.
After a while, she scrubs her eyes with the heel of her hand. "I don't know why," she mutters. "A-after Vace, I guess it's just... I don't know if I'm ready to trust someone like that again."
She turns back to you. "But... I've known you forever, [Name]. You're like... my best friend. You were with me when... when Kom died, a-and you didn't give up on me when I was gettin' brainwashed by Vace... a-and I like you, too... guess I kinda always did..."
The hard line of her mouth quivers. "I'm just scared, [Name]. I don't want it to be like it was with him."
You step closer and Anemone doesn't back away. Being careful not to spook her, you reach up and gently cup her cheek.
"It's never going to be like that again."
You telegraph your intentions slowly, giving her time to back away - but Anemone gathers her courage and meets you halfway for a tentative, curious kiss.
Your heart almost beats out of your chest. You almost wonder if she can hear it, too.
When you part, Anemone blinks quickly like she's trying not to cry. Instead, she slugs you in the shoulder and laughs, still a little awkward. "Okay," she says. "Okay. That's... that, then. We're... dating, I guess?"
"We're so dating."
Anemone smiles and looks down at the ground, then leans in to kiss you again. "Mm. Okay," she says. "I, um, have to get back to my post, but I guess I'll see you around... [partner/girlfriend/boyfriend]?"
She gives you a little wave and jogs away, looking lighter than you've seen her in a while. [Ends event; begins a relationship with Anemone]
"You don't have to be scared."
[Same choices and dialogue as above]
"Oh, uh, it's nothing, never mind."
Anemone stares at you blankly for awhile, then forces a laugh. "Oh stars, you had me going there for just a minute. I thought..." She shoves you playfully, but just a little bit too hard. "Don't screw with me like that. Stars, [Name]. Vace was bad enough." [Ends event]
All dates reduce stress by 20
"Let's spend some time together."
Anemone checks the time on her holopalm and smiles. "Yeah, I think I can swing that." (A random date is chosen from the below options:)
  • You sneak off to the quarters...
You and Anemone steal off to your bedroom to spend some private time together.
Afterward, she gives you a brief kiss as she pulls her clothes back on. "I have to get back," she says, pushing you away with a laugh when you try to pull her in for more. "[Name]! I have to set a good example!" [Ends event]
  • You head to the canteen...
Anemone confesses that it's been forever and a day since she had a meal she didn't eat standing up, so you take her to the canteen to grab some lunch.
It's nice to spend time with her, and you even coax a laugh out of her by sculpting a lewd figure out of your mashed trippet. "[Name]!" she says, mock-scandalized. "Lemme help you hide the evidence."
You find it hard to mind when she eats off your plate. At least someone's taking care of her! [Ends event]
  • She seems tired...
You're walking with Anemone through the colony when suddenly she stops and slumps inward. "Actually, [Name]..." she says, "I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Is it okay if we just... have a nap together? That's all I want."
You answer that of course it is, and Anemone looks relieved. You go back to your room and tuck her into your bed, and she's almost asleep by the time you undress and join her. [Ends event]
  • You hang out in the lounge...
You and Anemone head to the lounge, where she plunks her feet in your lap and regales you with wild stories of her other soldier friends.
"...I don't think he ever found where we put his underwear," Anemone laughs. "I think he thinks we actually fed them to the floatcows. What an idiot, right?"
It's good to spend time with her! She's so busy all the time. [Ends event]
  • She brings you up to the walls...
Anemone leads you to a place on the walls with a beautiful view of the wilderness outside.
"It's kinda pretty, right?" Anemone sighs, taking your hand and putting her head on your shoulder. You kick your legs over the edge of the walls. "It's too bad it's full of killer aliens," she mutters, and rubs her eyes on your shoulder. "I wish they would just leave us alone." [Ends event]
  • You avoid Vace...
You walk hand-in-hand with Anemone from the garrison, passing Vace as you go. He gives you a venomous look, like he's barely keeping himself from spitting on both of you.
Anemone breathes a sigh of relief when you're outside. "It's so awkward with him always around," she says. "He is not over the fact that you and I are dating now."
Despite that, or perhaps to spite Vace, you and Anemone enjoy a perfectly pleasant walk through the colony, talking about things that don't concern him at all. [Ends event]
"I think we should break up."
Anemone stares at you a moment, before her face goes completely red. "Wh- okay, but... why?" she demands. "A-after... after everything! Really?!"
"No, just kidding!"
Anemone rolls her eyes. "You have the worst sense of humor, [Name]." [Ends event]
Her chin trembles, and she jerks away angrily. "Fine!" she snaps. "Suit yourself! See what I care!" [Ends event; ends your relationship with Anemone]


  • The player can give Anemone a nickname during her Relationship 20 Event or choose to have her continue to go by her full name. Giving Anemone a nickname changes most dialogue to reflect it.
  • Similarly, changing what you call Auntie Seedent will reflect that choice in future dialogue, including Anemone's events involving her.
  • The gift chosen for Kom in Anemone's Relationship 40 event affects the flavor text for his funeral.

